That, sir, is nonsense. The setting is fantastical, not nonsensical, and the film has a brisk pace that makes it extremely rewatchable. The idea is that Gotham is supposed to exist outside of reality; it's a place where 30's mobsters drive 80's cars and listen to Prince (which, by the way, is part of the film's charm, in my opinion). I actually think it's one of the best paced Batman films, IMO.
We get right into the action, with Batman taking out two thugs, a brief introduction to Jack, a brief introduction to Bruce, and, just like that' we're at Axis Chemical, where ****'s about to go down. From there, everything's working like clockwork; mob scene, mine scene, newsroom, etcetera, etcetera, until we reach the parade, and, subsequently, the church. That film covers a hell of a lot of ground in about two hours, and it doesn't leave anything to be desired; I'd say that's an accomplishment in and of itself.