I love it when people that hate on stuff go out of there way to venture into a thread about said stuff just to hate on it. Makes perfect sense.
The Burton films hold up quite well in my opinion... Much better than films that tie themselves to a certain time period and realistic setting, that's for sure. They are true comic book movies- You are in a fictional world with very little reference to ground you to a certain place or period. When I watched it in '89, I never thought it was actually taking place in 1989... and I have felt the same about it since. It has its own time.
As for the poor pacing comment... I am sorry, but that is just silly. I can't think of a single scene in either Burton film that isn't driving the plot along in some way.... whereas I can think of whole sequences that can be dropped from many modern comic films entirely that add absolutely nothing to the plot. Many of these modern day films feel like riding in a car with a clutch going out, with a herky-jerky pace that jumps around from one somewhat pointless plot point to another... forcing me to sometimes scratch my head and go "wait... what is this doing for the movie again?". I have never felt that way about Batman or Batman Returns.
I guess I should go jump in those threads about the comic films I am referring to so I can say all this though. I believe those folks over there that have some cheerios that need peeing in.
So silly.