Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Supes ES will be the same or bigger and I will be online day 1 to order him. These two pieces will look awesome together :yess::yess:

Jeez Spidey................I just don't know...................sigh........if I need the extra stress of it all you know!?!?


That's a serious feckin MESS RIGHT THERE!!!! :mad:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Jeez Spidey................I just don't know...................sigh........if I need the extra stress of it all you know!?!?


That's a serious feckin MESS RIGHT THERE!!!! :mad:


How long till the Supes preorder??? How long till it sells out??? These are things I HAVE to know.:panic::panic:

The only thing stopping me from ordering the Bat right now is wondering if I can seek one maybe two other statues out before I order him, but even with a large ES the risk is still there that he could sell out on a day that I am nowhere near the Internet.. And that would be :thud:
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I seriously considering cancelling my EX . I WANT my statues LIMITED NOT MASS PRODUCTION.

dont cancel Ex its ES is 2000 so its not for mass production considering its Batman there r lots of fans out there for batman
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

dont cancel Ex its ES is 2000 so its not for mass production considering its Batman there r lots of fans out there for batman

Ok i might not, as am a big fan...but in the future i will consider it if they produce so many numbers. I guess Supes wil be the same, so I wont be in stress trying to get an EX
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ohhhhh brother!!! :slap:rotfl Sue a guy for me wanting to have a more "limited" and rare collection. Yup, I must have zero integrity when it comes to collecting. Anyway, enjoy Batman you guys, I'm sincerely sorry though that I made a quick decision in cancelling and didn't give my Ex to someone that really wanted him. DC isn't the PF line for me to be collecting so I will step off my soapbox now. And of course I still like SS. Just not crazy ES's like this one. I'm out, have a good weekend everyone. :wave

:slap :wave
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I wish they'd keep the ES under 1000. I guess 2000 isn't that bad, but lets just hope they don't keep raising the ES in the future.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

You're out of your mind if you think there will be a DC statue with an ES that low

Ink, you think DC has any say as to the es? Or is that all Sideshows decision?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

SSC probably paid an incredible amount for the license and is going to make damn sure they sell lots of statues. When this sells out, which I am sure most of us agree it will, SSC will have brought in $3 800 000. That us what 7 times what they will bring in for Skaar. Think about it.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

All you have to do is look at the ES of the DCD statues to figure it out

Alot of people are getting upset at SS and I wonder if they really had much input about ES.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Alot of people are getting upset at SS and I wonder if they really had much input about ES.

People are jumping into the DC line thinking that they will be getting the same secondary market price jumps as doom, cap, hulk etc. Now they're butt hurt when its found out to to the case of the DC world being an entirely different animal than the previous releases