Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Do you personally KNOW this person CBG??? Also, do you have a link to the auction.. If ou don't know this fella then we both know about eBay preorders

Only CBG can do eBay POs.

I just go on here and there to look for missing pieces I still need and cdaily has the prices so cheap and he's sold let's just say so many of them. This guy has sold at least 45 batman PF by now. He comes on and off. I have no clue who this guy is but I'm checking to see how he could become a unregisterd user when the time of release shows up. :horror
I could be wrong but we shall see. Maybe he's a store with 50 to 100 SS accounts? But I've learn my lesson big time no more eBay PO again. I just feel sorry for the newbies coming in now who will fall for the eBay PO thing. I'm sure a lot is good when I bought from many and paid as gift. Some even help me get a replacement parts I needed when they arrived broken. But all you need is one or two to scam you over to mess it up for all the honest sellers. Lesson learn here is I tried to save 30.00 to 50.00 but loss over 1000.00 on statues not received. So really it's not worth it. There really is great people out there but all we need is one or two to screw it up for everyone else. Just a warning from my expierences to the newbies coming in. :wave
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Here's an idea. Lets not make people who didn't get the ex feel like &@$! about their purchase. Especially when people in our forums buy several of them then dump them on eBay for twice the price.

agreed, really erks me when people say ex or fail. i know its all in fun, but it really puts a dampener on the regulars.

plus its getting old, people should come up with something new once in while.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

agreed, really erks me when people say ex or fail. i know its all in fun, but it really puts a dampener on the regulars.

plus its getting old, people should come up with something new once in while.

I would agree with that. Some weren't lucky enough to snag one. But that's ok because it still overall one of the best representations of batman out there. I'm happy that a lot of people can get one out there.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I completely agree.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Are you unhappy? Or hiding something? All you do is bust *****. That is getting old. I think we roll out eyes every time we see a post. Every now and then I check on something for some insight and BOOM. There is Bruce acting like a child.:dunno
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Are you unhappy? Or hiding something? All you do is bust *****. That is getting old. I think we roll out eyes every time we see a post. Every now and then I check on something for some insight and BOOM. There is Bruce acting like a child.:dunno

Dude it is all in fun. If you clicked the spoiler tag then you KNEW what was coming. So you really pissed yourself off.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Are you unhappy? Or hiding something? All you do is bust *****. That is getting old. I think we roll out eyes every time we see a post. Every now and then I check on something for some insight and BOOM. There is Bruce acting like a child.:dunno

is it Bruce who's unhappy or the guy who can't get his hands on an ex? :nana:

Seriously why on earth would someone saying Ex or fail bother you in any way what-so-ever? Is your self esteem really that dependent on fitting in with other statue nerds? :dunno
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I actually look forward to the Chin's posts. Then again, I have the Ex coming!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Seriously why on earth would someone saying Ex or fail bother you in any way what-so-ever? Is your self esteem really that dependent on fitting in with other statue nerds? :dunno

i dont think its about self esteem, i think its more the fact every 3rd post in this forum someone is saying ex or fail .. i know im sick of reading, but i have slowed down my reading in this forum because of the immaturity kicking around.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ex or fail has been in every thread I have read or participated in. It's hardly exclusive to this thread. Either way choose to read or not it is completely your choice.

Pretty much everyone is just kicking around and having a laugh until we get the statue because we have discussed pretty much all that can be discussed ad nauseum. If there is a topic you want to talk about raise it and I'm positive everyone will be more than happy to discuss all aspects of it :peace
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

There's nothing wrong owning the regular version of this statue. It's just the inferior version that's all.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

There's nothing wrong owning the regular version of this statue. It's just the inferior version that's all.

lol. :hi5:

anyhoo, onto more important topics.

these are awesome






created by this talented gentleman.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

i dont think its about self esteem, i think its more the fact every 3rd post in this forum someone is saying ex or fail .. i know im sick of reading, but i have slowed down my reading in this forum because of the immaturity kicking around.

dude, there is nothing BUT useless posts in this thread. If you got bent out of shape after reading something stupid in here you would be a circle after the fourth post :cuckoo: