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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So do people with bigger noses look like they have wider eyes in photos??

None of this makes sense to me anymore

Seems like an object closer to a camera would force things to look closer together in the back not farther away. Like if you walked up to two people. The distance between them would appear larger the closer you got. Yet on the other side of things the farther away they are the smaller they are.... Just like Bats eyes..... Oh it's all so confusing.

On the lighter side of things. Even though I don't care for busts in general I do think the Bat Bust is one of the best.

The cowl is significantly bigger then a normal human nose though. In the end you can take the word of an actual artist who makes his living on this kind of stuff and people who actually own the piece, or those who studied art and are attempting to show flaws in the piece through pictures. Personally I am glad I didn't let myself get swayed by the nay-Sayers.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So do people with bigger noses look like they have wider eyes in photos??

None of this makes sense to me anymore

Seems like an object closer to a camera would force things to look closer together in the back not farther away. Like if you walked up to two people. The distance between them would appear larger the closer you got. Yet on the other side of things the farther away they are the smaller they are.... Just like Bats eyes..... Oh it's all so confusing.

On the lighter side of things. Even though I don't care for busts in general I do think the Bat Bust is one of the best.

Well the photo I used was my own face at a distance of 1 m. There is no distortion caused by the bridge of my nose. If the bridge of the nose caused that type of distortion then EVERYONE would have pics where we have our eyes to far apart.

As for the Bust if there were three busts I could own it would be Bats, Supes, and the Iron Man Mark VII. IF I could I would buy them ALL!!!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

The cowl is significantly bigger then a normal human nose though. In the end you can take the word of an actual artist who makes his living on this kind of stuff and people who actually own the piece, or those who studied art and are attempting to show flaws in the piece through pictures. Personally I am glad I didn't let myself get swayed by the nay-Sayers.

Well at the same time I don't think the artist is going to say "yeah I screwed up" But it does not matter.. It really doesnt, because you love it and that is all that is important.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ok it's official. This is the *&%$ing stupidest argument I have ever seen on this site (Ok I am sure it's not the stupidest). I mean talk about thin skin. Do you know how many people still *&(% and moan about items I have in my collection but I jus let it be or if I do get into it I don't take it personal and start personal attacks.

Those that have the bust and Love it --- GREAT LOVE IT!!

But man get over yourselves.... It's a statue that will mean nothing after you are dead.If Spidey was being a **** from the start about this then yes by all means attack.. But the fact that he started out saying what he did not like about a piece that he otherwise said was great just did not call for the type of attacks he got back.

Funny thing is, is I like everyone that is involved in this argument and I am suprised to see some of the posts.

Let's just drop it.... I know I have not been innocent and have thrown fuel on the fire with my BatAlien photos but I am here to stop doing that because I did not realize that feeling would get so hurt over something like this.

touchy lines .........
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Well at the same time I don't think the artist is going to say "yeah I screwed up" But it does not matter.. It really doesnt, because you love it and that is all that is important.

Good point, but SS did retain him and his services for more high profile projects. I doubt they would do that if he screwed their first Batman release.

Do you have one, or planning on getting one. I highly recommend it.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Well at the same time I don't think the artist is going to say "yeah I screwed up" But it does not matter.. It really doesnt, because you love it and that is all that is important.

The other possibility is that there was no "screw up" persay. Great sculptors/artists often play with proportions to create certain effects that favor the preferred viewing angles for a piece.

For example Michelangelo was the master of this. For decades if not centuries the preferred viewing angle of the David in Florence was for THIS angle as it was displayed in a public square, and people would stand in front of it to enjoy it


Everything looks in proportion and all hunky dory.

Now after the David was attacked by a mob and damaged with his hands being knocked off. He was moved inside a museum, a replica put outside in his place, repaired, and then for some reason the first view of the statue was changed to this.


Now for this angle some of Michelangelo's intent was lost, and some proportion issues with the hands, and feet come out a bit. His hands and feet are to bigger then they should be, not by much mind you, but Michelangelo was actually ridiculed by his fellow artists at the time for those very proportion issues. Though the general public really didn't care.

He did the a similar thing with his Pietra.


Now Jesus is PERFECTly proportioned for a man of his time, but if you look closely at Mary she is INCREDIBLY large. In fact if she was to stand up she would be the 10-12 feet tall. However, if she was normal size for a woman of the age she would be dwarfed by Jesus and basically lost in the sculpt. So Michelangelo used illusion on both pieces to achiecve the preferred appearance from the preferred viewing angle..

Now, I am not saying that is what Andy B did here. However, IF it is, using an illusion art technique to give the desired appearance from the head on angle, then I doubt he would really bring it up because it is like magic. Once you know about the illusion, and how it works you may be never completely taken with it again. You simply may by default be able to see through instantly and forever, and for some it lessens their enjoyment of the work. For me I can go either way. Love the work more or NEVER be able to see it in the same way, it is a true crap shoot.

Now, okay tamato this is for you. I am REALLY not sure why there seems to be a discrepancy between what people are seeing with the bust sculpt. Myself and another member saw the difference I talked about (rrjstatueman said that he measured the actual extra 0.5 eye width with his sculpt in the bust thread). Tamato you and csi measure the proper propotion, and see no distortion. So I have NO idea why that is happening. I know you used calipers tam which SHOULD remove any bias, but so should a photo. So in the end I am all like :gah:. Heck I am now wondering if there could be slight size variations between batches of the bust, I.e.slightly different molds. I doubt it, but again :gah:. However, in the end I am pretty sure Andy B made all of his decisions intentionally, and that I haven't read a single post where someone has complained about their pieces other then the QC issues. In fact it is the opposite where people are over the moon happy with it which is the ONLY real measure of a sculpts success. Oh and that I would love to have it. Tam you get an "I don't know why" as opposed to an "I am wrong" best I can do given my rock hard stubborn

Phwww.... That took a long time to type out on my iPad
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Good point, but SS did retain him and his services for more high profile projects. I doubt they would do that if he screwed their first Batman release.

Do you have one, or planning on getting one. I highly recommend it.

I don't have one. I don't have the room and I don't collect busts. They are just not my thing.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

If your adding the eye on top of a nosepiece that sticks out a good inch or so it is going to completely distort the actual distance between the two eyes. Now you have the eye trying to cover the distance across as well as the height of the nose. Take a rectangular pyrimid, if you simply measure accross the base you get one distance. If you try to measure across the base by going up over the top of the pyrimid, your going to get a much greater distance. While Spidy's formula is accurate, applying it to a photo and the real thing will have grossly different results.

So if I took a photo of any of the Batman's from the film, they also should have the look of "Wide Eyes" because the top of the nosepiece sticks out so far. Right??


Look I am not in this fight because I think the piece is bad or anything. I just hought Spidey had a point, deliverd it in a respectful manner and then he was attacked for going to art school or something and for using a photo that was not his to make a point.

I think the bust looks great in photos and I am sure it looks Amazing in person. I tend to agree with Spidey because it makes the most sense. And I tend to believe my "Lying eyes" :).

The bats PF seems to have the same issue. And I personallu don't care. Because I do colloect PF's and I think it looks great. he wider eyes make bats look scarier. I think it's why it is done that way and I have no problem with that because it still looks bad ***.
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So if I took a photo of any of the Batman's from the film, they also should have the look of "Wide Eyes" because the top of the nosepiece sticks out so far. Right??


Look I am not in this fight because I think the piece is bad or anything. I just hought Spidey had a point, deliverd it in a respectful manner and then he was attacked for going to art school or something and for using a photo that was not his to make a point.

I think the bust looks great in photos and I am sure it looks Amazing in person. I tend to agree with Spidey because it makes the most sense. And I tend to believe my "Lying eyes" :).

The bats PF seems to have the same issue. And I personallu don't care. Because I do colloect PF's and I think it looks great. he wider eyes make bats look scarier. I think it's why it is done that way and I have no problem with that because it still looks bad ***.

Totally agree, both sculpts are AWESOME no matter what, and I can't wait to own the Batman PF. We get both Martin and Andy sculpted heads .... How ****ING cool is that m8 :hi5:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So if I took a photo of any of the Batman's from the film, they also should have the look of "Wide Eyes" because the top of the nosepiece sticks out so far. Right??


Look I am not in this fight because I think the piece is bad or anything. I just hought Spidey had a point, deliverd it in a respectful manner and then he was attacked for going to art school or something and for using a photo that was not his to make a point.

I think the bust looks great in photos and I am sure it looks Amazing in person. I tend to agree with Spidey because it makes the most sense. And I tend to believe my "Lying eyes" :).

The bats PF seems to have the same issue. And I personallu don't care. Because I do colloect PF's and I think it looks great. he wider eyes make bats look scarier. I think it's why it is done that way and I have no problem with that because it still looks bad ***.

well, get back to me when you get a chance to see the bust in person. Would love to know what you think then.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I think we have reached that point where we can agree to disagree



........wait a minute?!? :slap