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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Did I not quote your most recent comment about the supposed eye problems? Doesn't seem like you have dropped anything. Instead of admitting that there is no extra gap between the eyes, as proven by multiple people with the bust in hand, you keep making reference to an imaginary eye problem. If your going to keep referring to these non-existent eye problems, I am going to keep calling you out on it.

You know what Dude. I have a PAGE of things I could bring up here, but I won't. Reasons why I still believe in what I have said. Including a post from member here, BUT none of that will matter to you will it???
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

You know what Dude. I have a PAGE of things I could bring up here, but I won't. Reasons why I still believe in what I have said. Including a post from member here, BUT none of that will matter to you will it???

dunno, can't say one way or another if you don't post it. If you have information that refutes physical evidence that the space between the eyes on the bust is not exactly the same 4cm that the eyes are wide, then by all means share it. Simply eluding to you knowing more then we do, but not willing to share it because you don't want to start crap is a cop out. Every time you elude to the problem with the eyes your starting crap. So please by all means drop your knowledge on us, or let the whole eye thing go already. :1-1:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

dunno, can't say one way or another if you don't post it. If you have information that refutes physical evidence that the space between the eyes on the bust is not exactly the same 4cm that the eyes are wide, then by all means share it. Simply eluding to you knowing more then we do, but not willing to share it because you don't want to start crap is a cop out. Every time you elude to the problem with the eyes your starting crap. So please by all means drop your knowledge on us, or let the whole eye thing go already. :1-1:

Fine, but I'll send you a PM... Tired of derailing the thread with this stuff.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, brother... all you have to say is "Guys thanks for clearing up that eye issue, I must've been mistaken" I think that is all (mainly:)) that CSI had a problem with. I mean honestly do you think we are both wrong or lying about measuring the distance? I promise that's not the case. I'm not trying to personally attack you or Bat Prof, honestly my original and current intent was to provide a fact to the contrary of what you were saying because I didn't want your false information about the bust anatomy to dissuade anyone from picking up this masterpiece that may have been on the fence.

That's a big part of what we do here for each other is report our findings, good or bad, of these pieces for all our fellow friends in this community!

That's all. I'm not disagreeing with your claim that eyes are to be one eye space apart I agree with you. But that has been proven false for THIS piece. Every time you reply to these comments you say everything but... "oop's guess I was wrong about that" That's all we were looking for.

Try it, it will feel good... You can do it, I have faith in you!:peace
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, brother... all you have to say is "Guys thanks for clearing up that eye issue, I must've been mistaken" I think that is all (mainly:)) that CSI had a problem with. I mean honestly do you think we are both wrong or lying about measuring the distance? I promise that's not the case. I'm not trying to personally attack you or Bat Prof, honestly my original and current intent was to provide a fact to the contrary of what you were saying because I didn't want your false information about the bust anatomy to dissuade anyone from picking up this masterpiece that may have been on the fence.

That's a big part of what we do here for each other is report our findings, good or bad, of these pieces for all our fellow friends in this community!

That's all. I'm not disagreeing with your claim that eyes are to be one eye space apart I agree with you. But that has been proven false for THIS piece. Every time you reply to these comments you say everything but... "oop's guess I was wrong about that" That's all we were looking for.

Try it, it will feel good... You can do it, I have faith in you!:peace

PM on the way
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ok it's official. This is the *&%$ing stupidest argument I have ever seen on this site (Ok I am sure it's not the stupidest). I mean talk about thin skin. Do you know how many people still *&(% and moan about items I have in my collection but I jus let it be or if I do get into it I don't take it personal and start personal attacks.

Those that have the bust and Love it --- GREAT LOVE IT!!

But man get over yourselves.... It's a statue that will mean nothing after you are dead.

If Spidey was being a **** from the start about this then yes by all means attack.. But the fact that he started out saying what he did not like about a piece that he otherwise said was great just did not call for the type of attacks he got back.

Funny thing is, is I like everyone that is involved in this argument and I am suprised to see some of the posts.

Let's just drop it.... I know I have not been innocent and have thrown fuel on the fire with my BatAlien photos but I am here to stop doing that because I did not realize that feeling would get so hurt over something like this.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Spidey, brother... all you have to say is "Guys thanks for clearing up that eye issue, I must've been mistaken" I think that is all (mainly:)) that CSI had a problem with. I mean honestly do you think we are both wrong or lying about measuring the distance? I promise that's not the case. I'm not trying to personally attack you or Bat Prof, honestly my original and current intent was to provide a fact to the contrary of what you were saying because I didn't want your false information about the bust anatomy to dissuade anyone from picking up this masterpiece that may have been on the fence.

That's a big part of what we do here for each other is report our findings, good or bad, of these pieces for all our fellow friends in this community!

That's all. I'm not disagreeing with your claim that eyes are to be one eye space apart I agree with you. But that has been proven false for THIS piece. Every time you reply to these comments you say everything but... "oop's guess I was wrong about that" That's all we were looking for.

Try it, it will feel good... You can do it, I have faith in you!:peace

To be clear I don't care if he feels he is wrong, or need him to admit he is in any way wrong. Howeve, if he is going to continue to post his opinions as fact then I will continue to rebut. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about the esthetics of any particular piece, however I don't see how someone can manipulate a photo of something and definitely say that their perspective and opinion is more accurate then the people who have the statue in hand.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I don't see how someone can manipulate a photo of something and definitely say that their perspective and opinion is more accurate then the people who have the statue in hand.

Just wondering....Does adding the eye count as a real manipulation?? I mean I know it is but it's not like he changed the size or shape of the actual bust to make his point..
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ok it's official. This is the *&%$ing stupidest argument I have ever seen on this site (Ok I am sure it's not the stupidest). I mean talk about thin skin. Do you know how many people still *&(% and moan about items I have in my collection but I jus let it be or if I do get into it I don't take it personal and start personal attacks.

Those that have the bust and Love it --- GREAT LOVE IT!!

But man get over yourselves.... It's a statue that will mean nothing after you are dead.

If Spidey was being a **** from the start about this then yes by all means attack.. But the fact that he started out saying what he did not like about a piece that he otherwise said was great just did not call for the type of attacks he got back.

Funny thing is, is I like everyone that is involved in this argument and I am suprised to see some of the posts.

Let's just drop it.... I know I have not been innocent and have thrown fuel on the fire with my BatAlien photos but I am here to stop doing that because I did not realize that feeling would get so hurt over something like this.

Ok dad, sorry:inlove
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Just wondering....Does adding the eye count as a real manipulation?? I mean I know it is but it's not like he changed the size or shape of the actual bust to make his point..

If your adding the eye on top of a nosepiece that sticks out a good inch or so it is going to completely distort the actual distance between the two eyes. Now you have the eye trying to cover the distance across as well as the height of the nose. Take a rectangular pyrimid, if you simply measure accross the base you get one distance. If you try to measure across the base by going up over the top of the pyrimid, your going to get a much greater distance. While Spidy's formula is accurate, applying it to a photo and the real thing will have grossly different results.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Just wondering....Does adding the eye count as a real manipulation?? I mean I know it is but it's not like he changed the size or shape of the actual bust to make his point..

No moving an eye causes no distortion and creates a very true measurement because of the flattening of the planes of the face... The following photo though rudimentary shows the rough measurements

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

No moving an eye causes no distortion and creates a very true measurement because of the flattening of the planes of the face... The following photo though rudimentary shows the rough measurements


That makes sense to me. I mean you are still supposed to measure the fasest way between two points then that would be straight across I would think.


Why does it matter??

Who is this Batman guy we are talking about??

Is he famous??

Where are my pants??
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ok it's official. This is the *&%$ing stupidest argument I have ever seen on this site (Ok I am sure it's not the stupidest). I mean talk about thin skin. Do you know how many people still *&(% and moan about items I have in my collection but I jus let it be or if I do get into it I don't take it personal and start personal attacks.

Those that have the bust and Love it --- GREAT LOVE IT!!

But man get over yourselves.... It's a statue that will mean nothing after you are dead.

If Spidey was being a **** from the start about this then yes by all means attack.. But the fact that he started out saying what he did not like about a piece that he otherwise said was great just did not call for the type of attacks he got back.

Funny thing is, is I like everyone that is involved in this argument and I am suprised to see some of the posts.

Let's just drop it.... I know I have not been innocent and have thrown fuel on the fire with my BatAlien photos but I am here to stop doing that because I did not realize that feeling would get so hurt over something like this.

Thanks for the support they are both AWESOME pieces, and deserve a lot of love.

That makes sense to me. I mean you are still supposed to measure the fasest way between two points then that would be straight across I would think.


Why does it matter??

Who is this Batman guy we are talking about??

Is he famous??

Where are my pants??

Pretty much. When you look at a photo. Everything just becomes flat when viewed from head on. Which makes it a straight line measurement.

As for why it matters .... It doesn't which is why I took things to PM, and got this out of the thread.

The bust is awesome... I pray the PF lives upmtomthe proto.

Your pants are on your head where everyone wears them aren't they???:cuckoo:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

But everything doesn't actually become flat when you look at the pictures, the nose on the cowl significantly skews the 2D image. The actual artist confirmed the bust was anatomically correct, why continue to try to refute it with pictures of a 3D object?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

But everything doesn't actually become flat when you look at the pictures, the nose on the cowl significantly skews the 2D image. The actual artist confirmed the bust was anatomically correct, why continue to try to refute it with pictures of a 3D object?

So do people with bigger noses look like they have wider eyes in photos??

None of this makes sense to me anymore

Seems like an object closer to a camera would force things to look closer together in the back not farther away. Like if you walked up to two people. The distance between them would appear larger the closer you got. Yet on the other side of things the farther away they are the smaller they are.... Just like Bats eyes..... Oh it's all so confusing.

On the lighter side of things. Even though I don't care for busts in general I do think the Bat Bust is one of the best.