Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Sideshow Batman PF?

Here's another shot.


Problem with trying to do the PF in a fully sculpted look is that it was not made to be fully sculpted. It was sculpted to have cloth over it. Had SSC done a 1/4 scale full sculpt you can be sure it would look much better.

Having said that.... I think better paint apps would help how this looks... But it is very smooth and basic looking so I don't know how much paint can help.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Apparently the guy who did this is a total rookie. He has never done a custom EVER, and I don't know if he has any experience sculpting. As DarkSpidey has said there is a lot more to customizing this sculpt than just ripping the cloth off and painting it. You have to fill in the holes, build up around the boots and gloves, and sculpt in things like folds in the cloth as well as giving the impression that he has an outfit on. That is a lot of tough and artistic work, and not something I should think should be taken on by a novice. We have to learn somewhere and somehow, but I would suggest doing that on a statue you created on your own where you have the option to learn on a $20 chunk of Sculpey... Not a $400 statue.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Apparently the guy who did this is a total rookie. He has never done a custom EVER, and I don't know if he has any experience sculpting. As DarkSpidey has said there is a lot more to customizing this sculpt than just ripping the cloth off and painting it. You have to fill in the holes, build up around the boots and gloves, and sculpt in things like folds in the cloth as well as giving the impression that he has an outfit on. That is a lot of tough and artistic work, and not something I should think should be taken on by a novice. We have to learn somewhere and somehow, but I would suggest doing that on a statue you created on your own where you have the option to learn on a $20 chunk of Sculpey... Not a $400 statue.
:exactly: What was he thinking?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Well, guess now we know how it would have turned out if DC Direct had attempted it. Made a $400 statue look like it retails for $99. Somehow I don't think that was the intent.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

A little late to the game but I agree with most - this leaves something to be desired. The smoothness of the outfit makes it look too perfect (if that makes sense).
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Probably, "hey I didn't get picked on enough in school, lets see if I can get a bunch of statue nerds to tear me apart too" :wink1:

The epitome of bullying haha

All that matters is if he likes it.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF


Just saw this pic with the suit removed and fig repainted.

Yikes. So they just repainted Bats gray? Is the cape painted black? But not the gloves and boots? Now the belt just looks out of place. I get what they were trying to do, and maybe it's a work in progress. Hopefully it's work in progress.