SSC Beachhead

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Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i was just looking at the product specs and saw the cloth beret. i wonder if it is a full beret and if it could fit on the unmasked head given a addtional way to display him.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i knew this figure would be more expensive based on the new base price Flint set, but I like that ex head enough I took the bait, hook, line and sinker! :lol

I did note the ex price difference is $10 instead of normal $5, but I can sorta understand since you get the head plus a hard beret.

edit, actually I'm surprised to see the reg price for both Flint and Beachhead are the same price...interesting!

Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

There are still so many possibilities with this line! I feel like I'm reliving 5th grade all over again (only with more expensive toys).
My wife asked me one time why I love collecting 1/6 figs so much (she usually buys them for me as milestone gifts and sacrificed our 4th bedroom as a collectible room). So one year for Christmas, I bought her an original Strawberry Shortcake from the '80's. Of all the gifts I've ever bought for that woman, this one made her cry. She said holding it in her hand reminded her of being a little girl. Just wanted to share that story and why this hobby is such a passion for me. BTW, 82 Stalker or bust.

Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Not really complaining, "Nam. I said I loved his load out, and just threw I'm some possible suggestions for additional items that would "throw him over the top". It's not like I said for "this price, he's not worth it".

I think adding the crossbow threw him over the top. The extra noggin was icing on the cake.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Damn how did I miss this. First SSE Joe I'm put on a wait list. When did BH go on PO?
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I do have to point out that this absolute HOME RUN of a figure makes the non-canon changes to the Firefly figure that much more baffling (especially after the infamous production design art for that figure was perfect, too).
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Last night, with the Newsletter (it was announced in last week's newsletter).

Thanks, I just got the news letter and totally forgot about BH. I fast till he went on the waitlist? Hopefully it will convert, what's the chance?
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

thats only $6 off the SSC price. Might as well go through SSC for that and get the RW and a tighter delivery. He's $108 at AlterEgo

Yup. Especially when the difference would mean $6 in Rewards Points. So it's the same price.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

If I remember correctly, the card art used to list the equipment that a figure came with on the right side of the card next to plasticpackaging portion. Additionally, for a few years Hasbro would list that actual weapon name (if a character's weapon was based on a real weapon). I remember that's how I learned what an Uzi was. Not sure if Beachhead was included in this run, but if anyone still has the card art of the means to blow up that pic large enough, we might be able to find out.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

So do we know which real world gun his original rifle most closely resembles?




MAT Modele 1949 (it's French :monkey4)​

Personally, I'd just go with an artist's poor interpretation of an M3 since the receiver looks round on the card art.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Always looked like it was based on an MP-40 to me (that one, anyway).


Sort of, but the magazine is much closer to the trigger on BH's gun.

Now that one isn't too far off!

EDIT: But the French gun does seem even closer. I'll probably just stick with the cartoon rifle as his vintage weapon.
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