SSC Beachhead

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Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

That's actually why I prefer Firefly to Beachhead. The Firefly design showed some serious evolution of the character. Beachhead is great, and I ordered him, But I jumped onboard this line because of the fact that Sideshow promised to bring the characters into the modern military age. Which, to me, meant less cartoony -- a departure from the figures of my youth, sure. But it also meant that the figures would have grown up with me.

My biggest fear in reading these sometimes hyperbolic complaints about departures from the classic look (a bold move) is that Sideshow will start listening to the detractors and just start churning out 12" copies of the originals. Which would make me sad at best.

Ugh. Why am I so damned sappy this morning!? :banghead Coffee!! Coffee!!!!!

That would be fine with me.

As said, classic look with modern updating. Flint, Duke and Beachhead are perfect examples of what the line should be.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Not sure I understand why a lot of people hated Firefly but dig Beach Head - sculpt wise. I mean, sure Firefly didn't get a camo balaclava but he had a fantastic facial expression. Someone who looked like they'll blow up a town with no remorse and expect payment in advance (Swiss bank account, of course). And his equipment was awesome! The briefcase, the grenades...

I agree Captain, Beach Head looks great ! But I think Firefly's head sculpt is excellent and really deserves more raves. You see the sinister aspect. Beach Heads exclusive Head sculpt is butt ugly but he does look like someone you wouldn't want to meet up with in a scrape. Interesting sculpts on the Joes so far, they look older with hard edged ! but I hope when they get around to Scarlet and Lady Jaye they look like the younger and hot femme fatales that they are !
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

That's actually why I prefer Firefly to Beachhead. The Firefly design showed some serious evolution of the character. Beachhead is great, and I ordered him, But I jumped onboard this line because of the fact that Sideshow promised to bring the characters into the modern military age. Which, to me, meant less cartoony -- a departure from the figures of my youth, sure. But it also meant that the figures would have grown up with me.

My biggest fear in reading these sometimes hyperbolic complaints about departures from the classic look (a bold move) is that Sideshow will start listening to the detractors and just start churning out 12" copies of the originals. Which would make me sad at best.

Ugh. Why am I so damned sappy this morning!? :banghead Coffee!! Coffee!!!!!

I kind of agree. I don't want them to go away totally from what I loved as a kid but I want them to find a nice blend with the modern military. I think they've done that quite well so far and why I don't get my undies in a wad with figures like Firefly.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i expect the figures to look like the originals. if they wanna update something, update the weapons like they have been doing. i just don't get why Firefly needed a hoodie. normal fatigues would have been perfect and very practical for his so called "duties". if you want completely updated figures, then you're one step away from ROC IMO.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

That is why you failed.


That's actually why I prefer Firefly to Beachhead. The Firefly design showed some serious evolution of the character. Beachhead is great, and I ordered him, But I jumped onboard this line because of the fact that Sideshow promised to bring the characters into the modern military age. Which, to me, meant less cartoony -- a departure from the figures of my youth, sure. But it also meant that the figures would have grown up with me.

My biggest fear in reading these sometimes hyperbolic complaints about departures from the classic look (a bold move) is that Sideshow will start listening to the detractors and just start churning out 12" copies of the originals. Which would make me sad at best.

Ugh. Why am I so damned sappy this morning!? :banghead Coffee!! Coffee!!!!!

Well, evolving a character is one thing. Evolution has steps. Snake Eyes was a good example:

Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes Ver.2
Sideshow's Snake Eyes.


Sideshow's Firefly :wave.​

There weren't any steps in between and was moreso them taking creative license. While there's no problem with that per say, hey just took it a bit too far, to the point that if you took away the explosives and said, GUESS WHO? First answer would've been an Ice Viper or something snow related. Not something you really wanna do when making a like that, as they've stated, is catering to the RAH Joe fans. There have to be steps in evolution for it to work.

CCC is the best figure :rock

I'm guessing you doodled and drooled all over your IQ test instead of filling in the bubbles. :p
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I think it's all about a balance. We want the Joes that we grew up with but these are adult collectables and we expect a mature artistic difference. With Hot Toys doing wonders these days, these shouldn't be like Hasbro's Joes, yet we want them recognizable or else it's not worth it. I think SS has found the right balance...but gosh is Beach head ugly ..:rotfl
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I think it's all about a balance. We want the Joes that we grew up with but these are adult collectables and we expect a mature artistic difference. With Hot Toys doing wonders these days, these shouldn't be like Hasbro's Joes, yet we want them recognizable or else it's not worth it. I think SS has found the right balance...but gosh is Beach head ugly ..:rotfl

I'm sure, somewhere (like backwoods Arkansas), there's a hillbilly girl smiling with almost all her front teeth saying, "Gawsh mawma, he sure is on' hamdsomer fellah!"
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i like that head. i may use it in the display for a while cuz frankly i'm sick of masked characters. it's got lots of character in it. i can see getting a few good poses out of it.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i expect the figures to look like the originals. if they wanna update something, update the weapons like they have been doing. i just don't get why Firefly needed a hoodie. normal fatigues would have been perfect and very practical for his so called "duties". if you want completely updated figures, then you're one step away from ROC IMO.

well, since he sold out, I'd say that they are pleasing a lot of Joe fans (myself included) with their direction.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i like that head. i may use it in the display for a while cuz frankly i'm sick of masked characters. it's got lots of character in it. i can see getting a few good poses out of it.

It would be cool to use the exclusive head and find a fabric balaclava to use with it...
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

well, since he sold out, I'd say that they are pleasing a lot of Joe fans (myself included) with their direction.

Well, not sure I'd go that far. I PPO'd the Ex and while the foundation is awesome, I'll be switching out the BDUs. Plus there're the completists to account for who'll buy a figure, even an exclusive, regardless if they like it or not, just to complete the collection.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

It would be cool to use the exclusive head and find a fabric balaclava to use with it...

You know what would be cool? If they included one with the exclusive version so you could put the balaclava in the beret loop while he is wearing the beret! I mean he has to put it somewhere when he isn't wearing it so just swapping it with the beret makes sense to me. Why don't you drop that in Sideshow's ear for us? :monkey3
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i like that head. i may use it in the display for a while cuz frankly i'm sick of masked characters. it's got lots of character in it. i can see getting a few good poses out of it.

I agree, I think this could be the best figure of their line so far.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

i like that head. i may use it in the display for a while cuz frankly i'm sick of masked characters. it's got lots of character in it. i can see getting a few good poses out of it.

That's pretty much how I feel. I'll admit, I chuckled a little when I first saw it, but it totally fits the character imo. He looks like one mean s.o.b...
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I'm sure, somewhere (like backwoods Arkansas), there's a hillbilly girl smiling with almost all her front teeth saying, "Gawsh mawma, he sure is on' hamdsomer fellah!"

:lol.......Well at least they didn't give Beach Head a mullet .
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

well, since he sold out, I'd say that they are pleasing a lot of Joe fans (myself included) with their direction.

You know this means nothing right?
All SS stuff sells out, only to be found in droves later on.

I dont mind the liberties they took on the suit, but I think they needed to stick to the colour scheme and keep the mask the same as the outfit.