Super Freak
After seeing the BSP this is actually kinda cool...
Probably can't get involved in the line though...

Probably can't get involved in the line though...
I'll take your Pepsi challenge...
Admiral Ackbar
Admiral Piett
AT-AT Driver
AT-ST Driver
Battle Droid
Bib Fortuna
Biggs Darklighter
Boba Fett (ESB)
Boba Fett Holiday Special
C-3PO (ESB missing leg)
Chewbacca (ROTJ in chains)
Clonetrooper (AOTC)
Clonetrooper (ROTS)
Commander Bacara
Commander Bly
Commander Cody (ROTS)
Commander Cody (Phase I)
Commander Gree
Commander Neyo
Darth Revan
Darth Sidious
Darth Vader (ESB)
Darth Vader (ROTJ)
Darth Vader (ROTS)
Dengar (Yeah that's right!)
Dexster Jettster
Emperor Palpatine (EPIII)
Episode I Anakin w/ podracer gear
Gamorrean Guard
General Kenobi (phase I armor)
General Skywalker (CW)
General Veers
George Lucas
Han Solo Bespin
Han Solo Hoth
Han Solo in Carbonite
Han Solo Trenchcoat
Han Stormtrooper
Imperial Gunner
Jango Fett
Kit Fisto
Lando Calrissian
Lando General
Luke Bespin
Luke Ceremony
Luke Hoth
Luke Stormtrooper
Luke X-Wing
Mace Windu
Madolorian guy from the CW
Moff Tarkin
Mon Mothma (ROTJ)
Nien Nunb
Nute Gunray
Obi-Wan (EPI)
Obi-Wan (Episode II)
Obi-Wan (Episode III)
Ponda Baba
Princess Leia Bespin
Princess Leia Hoth
Prune Face
Queen Amidala (Episode I)
Qui-Gon Jinn
R2-D2 (ROTJ w/ tray)
Rebel Commando
Rebel Commando (ESB)
Rebel Trooper
Republic Commandos
ROTJ Emperor
Royal Guard
Rune Haako
Saesee Tinn (CW armor)
Skiff Guard Lando
Stormtrooper (ROTJ)
TIE Pilot
TIE Pilot (JEDI)
Wedge Antilles
Yak Face
Yoda (ESB)
They do a good job of selling him in that video. Its a very impressive piece... part of me wants to like it and own it. But its just such a silly idea
And obviously Sideshow knows best as the exclusive has sold out.
Sideshow's PF is a nice representation of the design, but the original design is an abomination of a cool character.
Well doneAlphabetical and you did it w/o including Jar Jar
Maul was just a "cool" design. He had no character.
Maul is one of the most popular characters in the SW Universe. It should sell pretty well. Don't think its a headscratcher at all in that regard.
They do a good job of selling him in that video. Its a very impressive piece... part of me wants to like it and own it. But its just such a silly idea
And obviously Sideshow knows best as the exclusive has sold out.
I wanna see the Edition Size as well as how many people actually hold on to their orders come shipping time.
I'd like to be the first to point out that Sideshow has delivered this PF before the likes of Chewbacca, R2, 3P0, Stormtrooper, etc.
They make this bizarre, expensive figure, but we only have 2 ESB 1:6 figures to date and no ESB PF?
Sadly fanboys with more money than taste seem to be driving Sideshow's format/character selection in general.