Well, this thread has been an entertaining read to say the least. I think lots of people have made good points for and against this piece. So I'll weigh in:
I ordered the Exclusive because I think it rocks from an artistic POV. Yeah, I tend to look at my statues as art - sorry can't help it.
I had indeed read the comic, so I was familiar with where the character design came from... and while I think the story is a bit silly (oh Randy Stradley!)... I still dig the piece. It's perfectly amazingly zany and awesome all at the same time.
Star Wars is like any other franchise in that there's always people who can't let cool characters RIP. Fett survived the Saralcc, Maul survived being chopped in half... next thing we'll find out is that Jabba survived the barge explosion!

But ya know what... s'all good to me. Since this is all just a fun part of my day... I grin, smile and have a laugh. Remember folks... buy what ya like and enjoy the ride!
One more note. I agree Sideshow has many too many EU characters lately in PF. The line is getting out of balance a bit IMHO. However, I dig the creativity and fun factor. Since I know characters like Threepio, Stormie etc are on the way... I'm down like a clown, Charlie Brown.