Super Freak
This is clearly one of the best PFFs I have ever seen. Those who dislike must be drinking way to much haterade. Can't wait 'till he arrives. I'm guessing no lightup function... has anyone heard a definite answer?
This is clearly one of the best PFFs I have ever seen. Those who dislike must be drinking way to much haterade. Can't wait 'till he arrives. I'm guessing no lightup function... has anyone heard a definite answer?
But that makes it all the more painful to behold that weak characters get the best treatment.
Still think it looks awesome.
Agreed. Darth Talon is obviously depicted as strong and sexy in the comics and her pose and sculpt reflect that. Cyborg Maul is a charging tiger again perfectly portrayed in his PF. Jedi Luke, at the peak of his knowledge/power, unflinching before Jabba, Vader, and Palpatine himself, gets a PF where he's posed like a timid child? Come on.
I don't know... I'm seeing it more like Rembrandt painting Sponge Bob Square Pants. An excellent rendition of a ridiculous subject.
The Jedi Luke pose would have worked much better as a Bespin Luke since he was sneaking around the halls like that. The pose was a big let down for me so I passed on that one and I wanted a Jedi Luke PF in my collection as a must have.
Still, it should stand well on its own without needing a companion piece to make it relevant.