Art is about style, not technical execution. The later has nothing to do with the former as this piece exemplifies.
I see what you're going for here Puffs, but I slightly disagree with the point.
In my humble opinion, art is MORE about style than technical execution, however great art is a blend of both amazing/original style AND excellent execution. I think this is true whether an artist is painting, sculpting, playing a guitar or hitting a basball (art has many forms!)
And you can't think of execution as just how "accurate" a painting is or how "realistic" a sculpture is. Execution to me is the how well the artist (no matter what type) used his tools to render the art in a certain style.
My pal Jerry Vanderstelt has a VERY photorealistic style, and he executes the pieces wonderfully to achieve this style. The way he manipulates color, composition, detail etc are all examples of his fantastic execution. Considering most fans can easily appreciate and understand his style... they can really see how well he executes his pieces.
On the other hand, take an artist like Salma Shami. Her "Sun and Rain" piece is a great example of terrific execution on a non-photorealitic piece. Look at the way she uses the canvas, the bruhstrokes and the paint itelf to create and emote her style. Very cool. Think of it as brilliant execution to ACHIEVE a unique and amazing style!
Hopefully my degree in fine art from USC and my work for a fine art company lends some weight to my argument