SSC Firefly

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I think the figure would have been well received had the Crimson Guard been made available for PO during SDCC last year... At least that would have made sense.

Still, Blue CC flanked by Cobra Troops >>>>> CCC flanked by CG
Josh and Ski are the only ones that own CCC. Or, at least admit that they own it. I've constantly see CCC being sold and re-sold in the commerce section.

So, um...anymore pics of FF?
Zee vun eez verboten!!! Zee vun eez ongly vor zee Eeeleetz.™ :emperor

As usual SS could have handled CCC about 3 or 4 better ways and as usual they chose the worst one.

"We only have 2 figs out, and you want to do another Cobra Commander already?"

"____ it, who cares, these losers buy what ever ____ we put out anyway, next year Im going to tel them to make macaroni gimli's hahah, fools"....