SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

I liked the concept art better, but I think he looks great. I love the exclusive. Darn I hope I can get one, but I seriously doubt I'll be off on Monday :(

With all the complaints and "passes", I don't think you'll have that problem. This will probably make SS think twice from straying from the original design.
Re: Firefly?

With all the complaints and "passes", I don't think you'll have that problem. This will probably make SS think twice from straying from the original design.

As a veteran, you know how this works. Everybody b****es and moans and the Ex sells out in less than 10 minutes. :lol
Re: Firefly?

Yeah, SSC knows that they can phone it in, piss people off, and everyone will still buy it.
Re: Firefly?

most of his issue are fixable, my only REAL beef that's not really fixable, is this.


His goggles don't actualy fit.
Re: Firefly?

I don't mind the changes so much except for the lack of camo on the balaclava. If Sideshow doesn't fix it I will be, but I hope we can convince them to do so.
Re: Firefly?

Why drop $125 for something that looks NOTHING like Firefly? Heck, I've already ordered most of the parts I need from TA and eBay for less than $50!
Re: Firefly?

I can't find any good enough pictures to be totally sure but the bottom of the mask and the eyes sure as hell look exactly like the Cobra trooper.
Re: Firefly?

Someone asked if I collect the Joes - I have the exclusives of all of them. But I never saw the cartoon, collected the 3.5 figures or read the comic.

Its like Sideshow promising this:

Then giving us this:

:( Its not a total fail, but the 1st choice would have been much cooler :(
Actually the 2nd is far, far preferable to the 1st. Just a matter of taste I guess (just like the Firefly).

It's more like promising the top one and giving us a Jonas Brother instead. :(

It's this kind of extremism that makes Sideshow dismiss comments from fans at all. As I've said - it's a very cool bad guy modern soldier- if it's not your conception of Firefly - that's understandable, but to say it's a horrible figure is way off base.

He needs to look like this, which is what the concept are looked like. I'm sure the casual fan woud have been all over it, as that is what is remembered.

Why not modernize Star Wars. As long as they looked cool, right?

See, it's not the same as a character with a locked look from a movie. I found a page with about 20 different looks for Firefly and that didn't even include the comic looks. It's more like if Captain America had a half cowl rather than a full cowl, or a shield-shaped shield rather than round.

As a veteran, you know how this works. Everybody b****es and moans and the Ex sells out in less than 10 minutes. :lol

Re: Firefly?

Imagine for a second that SSC showed you the concept art for Lando Calrissian in his ESB Bespin attire complete with all his blissful Disco era attributes. Now imagine that when the product was revealed he was not wearing that costume at all but in the smugglers costume he wore at the end of the film.

Therein lies our pain.

A bit of hyperhole, no? But I get your point. Still, if I knew going into it that SSC's plan was not making the exact film costumes, or in this case exact 1:6 recreations of 80s 3 3/4" figures, but instead putting their own spin on the design then no, like Snake Eyes & CC, I wouldn't be particularly distressed if it were tweaked or reimagined somewhat. It's not like he's wearin pink camo with a lime green mask. :D
Re: Firefly?

Someone asked if I collect the Joes - I have the exclusives of all of them. But I never saw the cartoon, collected the 3.5 figures or read the comic.

Actually the 2nd is far, far preferable to the 1st. Just a matter of taste I guess (just like the Firefly).

It's this kind of extremism that makes Sideshow dismiss comments from fans at all. As I've said - it's a very cool bad guy modern soldier- if it's not your conception of Firefly - that's understandable, but to say it's a horrible figure is way off base.

See, it's not the same as a character with a locked look from a movie. I found a page with about 20 different looks for Firefly and that didn't even include the comic looks. It's more like if Captain America had a half cowl rather than a full cowl, or a shield-shaped shield rather than round.


Dave, you're not even a fan of G I Joe, quit trolling this thread.

You're often as bad as those you so often love to complain about.
Re: Firefly?

See, it's not the same as a character with a locked look from a movie. I found a page with about 20 different looks for Firefly and that didn't even include the comic looks. It's more like if Captain America had a half cowl rather than a full cowl, or a shield-shaped shield rather than round.
I disagree. Yes, there are multiple versions of Firefly, but from 1984 through 1992 or so, there was only really one--in the comics, cartoons, and toy. The iconic version that we've been talking about here.

Sure, after that we had neon green ninja version, and wacky Devil's Due interpretations, GI Joe Resolute, Rise of Cobra toy, 25th Anniversary variants, etc. But going with anything other than the classic version, and particularly going with a new "updated" interpretation which is not a direct reference to any existing version, is no different in my mind than using some wacky "extended universe" design as the first and possibly only outfit released for a well known and well loved Star Wars character.

It's hard to understand if you aren't a Joe fan, but Firefly needs to really look quite a bit more like his 1984 incarnation to be acceptable. That is how the vast majority of people who know and/or like Firefly want him to be. Yes, he is a cool looking modern military guy, but this line is really driven by people with nostalgia for the toys/comic/cartoon, not fans of military toys broadly. There are other companies and other lines that we can go to for that stuff.
Re: Firefly?

Dave, you're not even a fan of G I Joe, quit trolling this thread.

You're often as bad as those you so often love to complain about.

See, that's the problem with a lot of the members here who like to cause trouble - they don't know the difference between reasoned discussion and abuse or trolling. I'm not criticizing anyone's opinion, just trying to understand the hate.

And I do collect the line - so my opinion is as valid as anyone else's.