SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

I'm sure it is far to late to make changes to this figure. I'm all for a second figure based on the concept art.

I don't know. They could at least camo the mask. They changed Plo Koon's lightsaber color when we pointed out it was the wrong color. I doubt we could get a full new outfit too, but surely they can still "fix" the paint at this stage.
Re: Firefly?

I don't know. They could at least camo the mask. They changed Plo Koon's lightsaber color when we pointed out it was the wrong color. I doubt we could get a full new outfit too, but surely they can still "fix" the paint at this stage.

i agree that the costume is probably too late to change, but certainly, getting the head painted is a very easy change to make on the fly.
Re: Firefly?

BTW, this reinterpretation of FireFly seems to be a disastrous mix of the 1984 version and the Resolute rendition.


Or, at least now we know where the balaclava concept came from.
Re: Firefly?

BTW, this reinterpretation of FireFly seems to be a disastrous mix of the 1984 version and the Resolute rendition.


Or, at least now we know where the balaclava concept came from.

I like that more than what we are getting.
Re: Firefly?

Well, it appears that my comment with concept art link on the preview page is going to be posted. What a shocker.
Re: Firefly?

I understand the b_tching but to me he looks good enough to warrant a purchase. Sure he's not as spot on but there is enough there to create a Firefly to your personal liking. He looks like a cross between a PMC and a Russian guy from Call of Duty 4. I dunno guys (I know I am in the minority here) but I really dig it. Now I need to pick up a BR Joker rifle? Would that work NAM? :dunno

Yep, that's a Sweedish K. If you can't find that, maybe finding a 21st Century MIKE Force figure and stealing his would work (which is what I'm planning to do).

:lol What are you going to tell your nephew now?

He could always give him the Sideshow one if he really thinks it's that bad. :dunno

BTW, this reinterpretation of FireFly seems to be a disastrous mix of the 1984 version and the Resolute rendition.


Or, at least now we know where the balaclava concept came from.

That's not far of from what we're getting. I'd still like to see what he looks like with the coat off.
Re: Firefly?

Pretty sure it's just a sweater.

I know, but I want to see how far we're gonna need to mod him. As I said earlier, bbi makes an awesome set of urban MARPAT.


I picked up some for a custom I was gonna do a while back but that got shelved so I've still got the BDUs. I think they'll work great for this. It'll update him a bit while staying true to the OG. Now the question is, what else am I gonna need?
Re: Firefly?

Might as well just make one from scratch at that point. The SSC figure doesn't come with one single thing that's unique to Firefly.
Re: Firefly?

So I'm just asking what is it about the figure that is setting you guys off? I'm being completely sincere - I'm just curious what element of the character is missing from the figure?

Dave try and imagine if SSC were to finally preview the 12 inch Boba Fett and he had a black helmet and a hooded sweater. It might still look "cool" but would be a very confusing interpretation.

That said I do see the classic 'Fly in that getup.


I think its a bit odd to release a cold weather variant before the classic version but its got a killer sculpt, great gear (LOVE the green gun and walkie talkie), and overall attitude. This one might just have to skate by on "essence" but thank God they didn't pull a similar maneuver with Duke.
Re: Firefly?

I just don't get all the dislike. :huh

From a design standpoint, I think they went with the grey patches and balaclava to break up all the camo and give him a little more texture and detail. The hood and solid mask are departures but other than that I think he's aces. As much as I love it, I agree they shouldn't show us concept art anymore because it will only lead to grumbling and disappointment when there are changes made.

PS: nice pic, KD. :D
Re: Firefly?

I just don't get all the dislike. :huh

Imagine for a second that SSC showed you the concept art for Lando Calrissian in his ESB Bespin attire complete with all his blissful Disco era attributes. Now imagine that when the product was revealed he was not wearing that costume at all but in the smugglers costume he wore at the end of the film.

Therein lies our pain.
Re: Firefly?

Wow guys.:( The more I read the more I want Sideshow to hit the reset button and push is his release date out to ethier make all the needed changes or bringing the price down to $89.00 would be a decent option as well.
Also as far as the resolute design, true, it may not be that far off from this current figure but the slight differences make it way cooler than what we're getting here. The body armor and the seperate eye holes set him off but its still not as good as the original concept art.:mad:
Re: Firefly?

The costume I can see accept (not happy about it though), but what the hell is up with the generic trooper head :banghead