SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

What do you guys think? Dropped the green tone and camo'ed his face. I kinda like it

It makes a HUGE difference.

I am still not a big fan of the costume, but like I have said, I accept the changes to the costume, but to not paint the head is ridiculous.
Re: Firefly?

...there are multiple versions of Firefly, but from 1984 through 1992 or so, there was only really one--in the comics, cartoons, and toy. The iconic version that we've been talking about here.
...That is how the vast majority of people who know and/or like Firefly want him to be. Yes, he is a cool looking modern military guy, but this line is really driven by people with nostalgia for the toys/comic/cartoon, not fans of military toys broadly...

Knowing is half the battle...and making an classic version of Firefly is obviously the other. The only thing that really needs to be changed in my opinion is the camo on the mask; the rest doesn't bother me nearly as much as the mask.
Re: Firefly?

See, that's the problem with a lot of the members here who like to cause trouble - they don't know the difference between reasoned discussion and abuse or trolling

Okay Dave :rolleyes:

Its fine the you are a fan on this line, but that does not make you a fan of G I Joe. If you were a G I Joe fan you would understand, but you're not, and if you havent gotten why the backlash yet you're never going to.
Re: Firefly?

Why do people think the mask is green?! :dunno It's gray, more of a charcoal, but still gray.
See, that's the problem with a lot of the members here who like to cause trouble - they don't know the difference between reasoned discussion and abuse or trolling. I'm not criticizing anyone's opinion, just trying to understand the hate.

And I do collect the line - so my opinion is as valid as anyone else's.

Yes, but in his own tiptoeing way, he's saying as far as G.I. Joe goes, you're not versed enough in the Joe-verse to have a valid point about the topic at hand.
Re: Firefly?

I'm not so inflexible about his look, and kinda like how the solid mask draws more attention to the head, but the camo'd mask does help make him look distinct from Stormshadow and Cobra Troopers.
Re: Firefly?

Im kinda of liking this guy now. If Sideshow cant get it right, Ill just buy this guy and repaint him myself. Im hoping that his clothes are greenish because of the photo and not the real deal. Im going to wait for in hand picks and if his clothes are grey Im going to get him and repaint his head.
Re: Firefly?

Firefly mod by robbiethepainter:

Re: Firefly?

See, it's not the same as a character with a locked look from a movie. I found a page with about 20 different looks for Firefly and that didn't even include the comic looks. It's more like if Captain America had a half cowl rather than a full cowl, or a shield-shaped shield rather than round.

Sure FF had some different looks, but most of them are variants of the 1984 figure. Sideshows looks nothing like it or the others.

There is no question they missed the mark with this figure.
Re: Firefly?

Im kinda of liking this guy now. If Sideshow cant get it right, Ill just buy this guy and repaint him myself. Im hoping that his clothes are greenish because of the photo and not the real deal. Im going to wait for in hand picks and if his clothes are grey Im going to get him and repaint his head.

His clothes should not be greenish. The characters signature colors are various grays, even just 2 grays like the original figure.
Re: Firefly?

For anyone who fails to understand our general disappointment:

Lets say you are a huge fan of License-X. You have always dreamed about Company-X making collectibles from License-X, and finally your dreams have come true. Company-X then announces they are gonna make Figure-X from you beloved License-X!

Source material:


Company-X then release concept art for the future Figure-X:

Company-X then releases pictures of actual product:


Cue dissapointed fans.....

Any questions?
Re: Firefly?

For anyone who fails to understand our general disappointment:

Lets say you are a huge fan of License-X. You have always dreamed about Company-X making collectibles from License-X, and finally your dreams have come true. Company-X then announces they are gonna make Figure-X from you beloved License-X!

Source material:


Company-X then release concept art for the future Figure-X:

Company-X then releases pictures of actual product:


Cue dissapointed fans.....

Any questions?

But he looks cool.
Re: Firefly?

Yea, while I'll support the line and get this figure, I would be alright with the below change.
