SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

I have made my stand. Pass. Somewhere down the line maybe I'll customize one. The beauty of this silly collecting habit of mine is that 5 or 10 years from now I can still find this stuff. Just like the 80's toys...
Re: Firefly?

Firefly mod by robbiethepainter:


No THAT IS FIREFLY! If the figure looked like this I'd be singing its praises. Although I do like the figure and its look its not Firefly IMHO.
Re: Firefly?

If you paid $130 for a friggin' corner of a wall, a suitcase that doesn't open and an itty bitty polystone wolf, you should have no issue buying anything sideshow tosses at us for the Joe line. :lol

not completely true, but until they start producing hasbro 12" figures at SS prices I will still continue to buy what they shell out. But I know I am a select few that will get anything G.I. Joe especially from SS.
Re: Firefly?

No THAT IS FIREFLY! If the figure looked like this I'd be singing its praises. Although I do like the figure and its look its not Firefly IMHO.

I don't see how you guys think this looks more like Firefly. I think it looks even closer to the Snow Viper from ROC. :monkey4
Re: Firefly?

Sideshow needs to solicit feedback from a panel of actual collectors before some of their products get to the completed prototype stage. I'm dead serious.
Re: Firefly?

A simple camo paint ap seems to be the main gripe. That and the hood.
Easy enough fixes. I don't get the comments that he's green? Looks grey on my screen. The green comments make me discount the other complaints a bit.

I still think people have gone a little far in the reactions. no camo hood = not firefly? :huh Perhaps they should've included a second camo head as the EX. Again, for good or bad, SS never intended to slavishly recreate the original designs in 1:6. But I hope you diehards get the tweaks you desire. :duff
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Re: Firefly?

Yeah, kind of like a screening....if it sucks, edit it...

Pretty much. I guarantee you the Firefly prototype wouldn't have turned out like this and they would have re-thought clunkers like German Indy and several other potential line-killers.

I love Sideshow, but their finger is so far off the pulse sometimes it truly baffles.
Re: Firefly?

It's the same as if Sideshow made Vader's outfit with green trim or made Superman asian. It's just not close. Not for the price.

Arguments like this blow my mind. If you look at the last couple of Firefly figures Hasbro has released, you'll see how close SSC's figure is to the modern look of the character. Sure, I want a camo mask, but these arguments are bordering on "you raped my childhood" BS.

I know G.I. Joe and want SSC's line to be a success, and you know what? In my eyes it is. If we're ever lucky enough to get a Kwinn and Dr Venom I'll crap myself, but if they keep plugging away the way they are I'm happy.

When I look at my SSC Joes, I feel the same way I felt about the Hasbro figures when I was little: These figures rock.
Re: Firefly?

Arguments like this blow my mind. If you look at the last couple of Firefly figures Hasbro has released, you'll see how close SSC's figure is to the modern look of the character. Sure, I want a camo mask, but these arguments are bordering on "you raped my childhood" BS.

I know G.I. Joe and want SSC's line to be a success, and you know what? In my eyes it is. If we're ever lucky enough to get a Kwinn and Dr Venom I'll crap myself, but if they keep plugging away the way they are I'm happy.

When I look at my SSC Joes, I feel the same way I felt about the Hasbro figures when I was little: These figures rock.

I agree. I want this line to be a success, and all of the figues that have been realesed are great and very close to the 80's artwork style. (Two exceptions)

This Firefly is pretty far from what we were expecting. Seeing the proto art didn't help. We don't have these likeness issues with the Star Wars line.

All I wanted was a Firefly likeness figure to put up with the rest of the crew.
Re: Firefly?

I hope this is not a line killer. I gotta get out of this thread.....

Nah, it won't be a line-killer. But if they don't make some fixes it will surely dampen the enthusiasm most had for the line (especially the core figures).

For whatever reason, Sideshow just seems incapable of sustaining momentum with ANY of their 12" lines. Even the SW line has been replete with its fair share of head-scratchers.

As strong as G.I.JOE is, it can't be taken for granted. Things like $130 walls, red Cobra Commanders, umpteen Cobra Trooper rehashes, and this Firefly can really start to gum up the works. Get your heads back in the game, Sideshow. Start by making rudimentary tweaks to this Firefly figure that really should not have been overlooked or neglected in the first place.
Re: Firefly?

And yes, this blows away the hasbro versions.
If Sideshow says this is the first version of Firefly they will be releasing, and another to come... then I will be silent.
Re: Firefly?

If Sideshow says this is the first version of Firefly they will be releasing, and another to come... then I will be silent.

:nono Firefly is not a figure that should be double-dipped... especially at $125.

They just need to fix this one, period. And the fixes are EASY.
Re: Firefly?

If you paid $130 for a friggin' corner of a wall, a suitcase that doesn't open and an itty bitty polystone wolf, you should have no issue buying anything sideshow tosses at us for the Joe line. :lol


I really hope so. I have enjoyed many of your posts but god that is just a silly premise.
Re: Firefly?

Sorry, I was referring to the Ice Viper:


Yeah he really does. I've been looking through all the versions and you can see where they were pulling from different versions. Especially the ribbed sweater from R.O.C. Also the goggles. At least they didn't make them green.