SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

The reuse of parts doesn't bother me unless it is something that should be unique to the character.
Re: Firefly?

I'm just asking that if they reuse that many parts, please make the unique parts (sub-machine gun) accurate.

Just realized that I really like the addition of the goggles. It would be cool if they had lenses, but the fact that they're there at all is awesome. Nice touch.
Re: Firefly?

How some of you can't see Firefly in this figure is beyond me.


Yes his mask should be camo. And the hood MUST be displayed down. But that's definitely Firefly, and he looks pretty damn awesome. I'd be more annoyed if he was Devil's Due inspired but since the tweaks are original SSC interpretations they're easier to swallow.

Firefly never had a uniform color scheme across all vintage media (modern crap like DD and ROC don't count anyway). I'm MUCH more impressed that he comes with a green rifle and walkie talkie than I am disappointed that his uniform has black highlights. He didn't have green equipment in the toon or the comic and SSC might be the first company in history to get that right since the original '84 figure.

As for the black, Firefly's camo was often colored dark in the original Marvel series. In #31 when he and Destro blow up Snake Eyes' cabin his camo is colored so dark his outfit looks as black as Snake Eyes. In #49 his camo isn't a two-tone gray, its gray and BLACK. So the black isn't anything new (it doesn't match the original figure but again they DID match the green equipment which NO ONE ELSE has done since) its really just the hood and goggles. The goggles are easily disgarded and the hood can just as easily be worn down on his back.

I can be as picky as they come with regard to staying true to the original designs, but simpler characters are easier to screw up. A hood on Duke would have ruined his uniform. But Firefly has had so much crap on his legs, waist, back and in his hands that I think its easier for things like his hood to get lost in his gear. Its absolutely bewildering that they didn't just go with their own concept art but this is one badass interpretation of a badass figure.

Quit drinking the Kool-Aid, Khev. It's utterly retarded that the balaclava doesn't have the camo theme. You just can't spin that one.
Re: Firefly?

True, you can see Firefly in the figure. The main gripe is we were shown the concept art, that looked identical to a modern version of the 1984 Firefly and when the figure is shown, looks nothing like that and has a winter theme.

Not sure why a hood=winter theme... Personally, I quite like that touch, although I won't be displaying it up by any means.
Re: Firefly?

Is he awesome... yes!! :rock :rock


I'm not sure if just making his mask camo would work without doing his whole uniform. And he definately could be mistaken for a cobra trooper. :lol
Re: Firefly?

almost looks like a fireman special forces or something with the patches, plus I would have liked the pants tucked into the boots.
Re: Firefly?

Its a Fail.
Cool looking 'generic winter trooper' but not 'firefly' enough.
He needs the camo mask and the 'hoodie' is goofy.
It just looks too arctic, and too call of dutyish, not gi joeish.
Better servered buying a generic and much cheaper figure and calling it firefly.
I wont pay 120- for this...
Re: Firefly?

Why SS, Why?

Looks ridiculous and too pricey. This is doing a huge diservice to the original line, shame on you Hashow Collectibles.
Re: Firefly?

How some of you can't see Firefly in this figure is beyond me.


Yes his mask should be camo. And the hood MUST be displayed down. But that's definitely Firefly, and he looks pretty damn awesome. I'd be more annoyed if he was Devil's Due inspired but since the tweaks are original SSC interpretations they're easier to swallow.

Firefly never had a uniform color scheme across all vintage media (modern crap like DD and ROC don't count anyway). I'm MUCH more impressed that he comes with a green rifle and walkie talkie than I am disappointed that his uniform has black highlights. He didn't have green equipment in the toon or the comic and SSC might be the first company in history to get that right since the original '84 figure.

As for the black, Firefly's camo was often colored dark in the original Marvel series. In #31 when he and Destro blow up Snake Eyes' cabin his camo is colored so dark his outfit looks as black as Snake Eyes. In #49 his camo isn't a two-tone gray, its gray and BLACK. So the black isn't anything new (it doesn't match the original figure but again they DID match the green equipment which NO ONE ELSE has done since) its really just the hood and goggles. The goggles are easily disgarded and the hood can just as easily be worn down on his back.

I can be as picky as they come with regard to staying true to the original designs, but simpler characters are easier to screw up. A hood on Duke would have ruined his uniform. But Firefly has had so much crap on his legs, waist, back and in his hands that I think its easier for things like his hood to get lost in his gear. Its absolutely bewildering that they didn't just go with their own concept art but this is one badass interpretation of a badass figure.

ok, minor beef. look closer. it's NOT A WALKIE TALKIE!
The original figure had a walkie-talkie, but that's not what it is. it's got a single black button in the middle, and a red light, as well as a timer. I don't see speakers, or a mic on it.

Pretty sure It's a remote detonator.

bigger pic


don't get me wrong, i think i prefer it as a remote detonator.
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Re: Firefly?

Good catch lerath. Remote detonator is a good idea. I think there's a pocket on the side of his backpack for it too. There's one up on Hasbro.
Re: Firefly?

Quit drinking the Kool-Aid, Khev. It's utterly retarded that the balaclava doesn't have the camo theme. You just can't spin that one.

1. The very first thing I said is that his mask should be camo

2. No Kool-Aid for me. I never said I was adding him to my collection. That doesn't change the fact many of the criticisms against the figure are way off base.

ok, minor beef. look closer. it's NOT A WALKIE TALKIE!

I actually noticed that quite early on, but its since its obvious that the detonator is supposed to represent the vintage walkie talkie that its hard not to call it such. :)
Re: Firefly?

Ok I haven't fully caught up to this thread yet but I think he looks badass. I have no major qualms with him...I am also not that picky.