SSC Firefly

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It doesnt look like FF, Sideshow could have said it was somekind of snow trooper or something and people would have been ok with it, (Well maybe not, considerind the 3 trooper we already got/getting :D) , but I guarantee you would not say " No, that looks more like Firefly".

Reread his post. He had to "install" Firefly when looking at the fig.
Yea.. yea... yea..

I meant "Instantly", and the crappy work pc wouldnt let me edit it.

:p:p:p:p:p While I think there's definitely potential there, that figure doesn't "scream" Firefly to me. But I'm not gonna waste a bunch'a energy whining about it. I've picked up what extra I'm gonna need to make him look closer to the concept art.
Duke was offered with the Binoculars and Storm Shadow with Nunchucks. Sideshow did not offer Timer with Snake Eyes or the Cobra Trooper with a Sniper Rifle. You have to buy a seperate figure/corner of a house for those.
True, but that's a different issue. People were saying that the accessories that came with the original figures were "essential." To me, that reads that these folks will never be happy with Sideshow figures unless/until they have all the accessories that came with the original toys. I accept that the Sideshow figures are different (though I draw a line with something like the "alternate reality" Cobra Commander and Firefly), but none of them have been spot on similar to the original toys. Closest is Storm Shadow, though even he is missing the little knife and has long sleeves. My argument is that Duke's binoculars, though a nice addition and nod to the original figure, is not essential by any means.
True, but that's a different issue. People were saying that the accessories that came with the original figures were "essential." To me, that reads that these folks will never be happy with Sideshow figures unless/until they have all the accessories that came with the original toys. I accept that the Sideshow figures are different (though I draw a line with something like the "alternate reality" Cobra Commander and Firefly), but none of them have been spot on similar to the original toys. Closest is Storm Shadow, though even he is missing the little knife and has long sleeves. My argument is that Duke's binoculars, though a nice addition and nod to the original figure, is not essential by any means.

Let me be the first to welcome you to the Sideshow Freaks forum! :p
People were saying that the accessories that came with the original figures were "essential." To me, that reads that these folks will never be happy with Sideshow figures unless/until they have all the accessories that came with the original toys.

You misinterpreted then. Adhering 100% to the look of the classic Joes, accessories and all, is "essential" to making them perfect. But obviously we'll take non-perfect figures, to a point. Passing on a classic accessory that's only five bucks more? Unthinkable.
I actually don't mind the look of Firefly myself. I just might throw some cammo on his mask to look more like the original, but I'm not as much a purist as some. I dig the SS real-world touch that these 12" Joes have.
I'm about to break down and order the regular. :rolleyes:

If the only thing really stopping me is the SMG, then I should just get the right one somewhere else. I don't mind the hood so much, and so long as I can get those damn patches off, I can probably handle the rest. If not, that can be replaced too.

There's no way I can leave Firefly out. I just don't understand why they thought he's the kind of guy who would shop at L.L.Bean.