SSC Firefly

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I'm in the minority as I like the original grey head, but kudos to Sideshow for including both heads. I'd like to see some new pics with the new camo head; that single shot upper body shot is not enough for me.

so we can expect Firefly on our doorsteps next month then?

That would be great if Firefly ships quickly right after Duke, like the way the Cobra Trooper and Storm Shadow shipped so close together last fall.
I'm in the minority as I like the original grey head, but kudos to Sideshow for including both heads. I'd like to see some new pics with the new camo head; that single shot upper body shot is not enough for me.

My preference as well.

Nah because Duke just came, 3 months grace for each Joe/Cobra.

Not true. CC and SE shipped weeks apart, not months. But you'd know that if you'd been aboard the train since the beginning ya newb. ;)

Naw, I hope they stick with the original L shaped camo for him.

After seeing Firefly, not holding my breath. :lol

:rock Very happy with this new head. They listened!!!!! :clap

(See folks? Between this and the EP3 Clone helmet, it sometimes can pay to point things out and _____, whine, piss, moan or whatever the rose-coloreds wanna call it. :lecture)

Thank You, Sideshow!!!!!

It can pay to point things out constructively. ;) The others I doubt they listen too as much. I hope peoples hands don't get soar though from patting themselves too hard on the back. :monkey3

That all being said it looks cool. I'll be glad to get mine when its time and add it to the shelf with the other figures from this line.
It can pay to point things out constructively. ;) The others I doubt they listen too as much. I hope peoples hands don't get soar though from patting themselves too hard on the back. :monkey3

That all being said it looks cool. I'll be glad to get mine when its time and add it to the shelf with the other figures from this line.

Some probably have a bad case of tennis elbow from that very thing. :lol
I hope peoples hands don't get soar though from patting themselves too hard on the back. :monkey3
Hands don't soar, but eagles do.

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First off, I have a confession to make that I was one of those whiners who said they wouldn't order and did it anyway.:angelsmil

But the reason I did so was that I had a shred of hope that SSC would listen to all the complaining and tweak him to make him look like Firefly, and I'm happy to say I'm glad they did. The camo head looks AWESOME. Thank you Sideshow for not dismissing all the whiners and going the extra mile!

Now let's hope he still ships in May...
Some probably have a bad case of tennis elbow from that very thing. :lol

I wouldn't doubt it. :rotfl

In all seriousness it looks great and if saying anything helped that's awesome. I do think like Dusty said knowing SS pretty well and how they want things to come out (especially this line) they had this working to start.
Looks ok. They should have made his camo 2 tone (Grey and dark gray) like the original. I dont like the off white color in the camo pattern. It doesnt make sense for a saboture to be dressed in that camo color, unless he was doing a job in the snow. But Im glad they included the camo head. Looking forward to using one of the heads on my classic bash.
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Wow, mad props to SS for going to extra mile. I can't wait to have this guy in hand.

Just a note, from talking with some of the guys, I'm pretty sure this was planned from the beginning, but they didn't want to reveal a prototype camo-mask head before making sure that it was for sure going to be feasible in the mass-production process... now that they've finally determined it will be possible, this is the result. Hope you like it! :duff

Is the plan still for FF to be shipped with both heads?
Previous word was that the head would be in addition to the plain gray one, not a replacement. The fact that the other head is still shown on Sideshow's site suggests that this will be the case.