SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

That statement invalidates your whole argument.

No it doesn't. I'm looking at it as a cool modern military figure of a villain. It would seem he's a demolitions expert from the accessories. So I'm just asking what is it about the figure that is setting you guys off? I'm being completely sincere - I'm just curious what element of the character is missing from the figure?
Re: Firefly?

We all expected him to look like this.

Re: Firefly?

No it doesn't. I'm looking at it as a cool modern military figure of a villain. It would seem he's a demolitions expert from the accessories. So I'm just asking what is it about the figure that is setting you guys off? I'm being completely sincere - I'm just curious what element of the character is missing from the figure?

Obviously you don't know Joe and neither does Sideshow for that matter.
Re: Firefly?

remember when ssc changed plo koons lightsaber color for accuracy? maybe we can demand they change the balacava? its only a paint change...
Re: Firefly?

I think if they camo'd the mask, most people would be a lot happier. The outfit change is a bit strange though. I mean, he is camo'd but there is a lot of areas that have just grey patches over them. I'd prefer if they just made him camo head to toe, but I can accept this. I'd be happier with changes though. The Concept Art looked fantastic! Hopefully Sideshow will at least camo the mask for us!
Re: Firefly?

No it doesn't. I'm looking at it as a cool modern military figure of a villain. It would seem he's a demolitions expert from the accessories. So I'm just asking what is it about the figure that is setting you guys off? I'm being completely sincere - I'm just curious what element of the character is missing from the figure?[/QUOTE]

The figure is nice but not really firefly especially with the previewed concept art being so misleading. As Mando stated this line is supported mainly for our love of the original designs of the figures in most cases, not that we wouldn't welcome updates of some characters.

Me personally, I would have liked to see the camo colors more accurate along with the pattern done on the scuplt. The cross bandoliers would have been cool and the original weapon is just trademark firefly. Also, the goggle lenses not being transparent bugs me.

The real question is do you have any pull in getting any of that changed?:D
Re: Firefly?

I think they did a good job reinterpreting the costume. The hoodie is a tad odd and the balaclava could be camo...

I was going to post, but you typed damn-near word for word what I was going to say.

Hopefully, Sideshow will reconsider repainting the balaclava camo from everyone's complaints, but I HIGHLY doubt it considering they rarely listed to fan advice after an item is shown. Just take a look at the STFU reply they gave to the Venom EX comiquette complaints.
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Re: Firefly?

Can someone in charge call someone who is in charge at Sideshow and have a meeting to solve this? Should only be a 5 minute conversation.
"Uhh yeah look Bob, If we fix this here outfit issue on this figure, make it more accurate.... we can sell this out."
Re: Firefly?

Problem is it will sell out anyway and Sideshow will see that as reason to NOT make any changes.
Re: Firefly?

This really sucks. Firefly is my favorite RAH character and this isn't him. The concept art is perfect.

I guess from now on we can ignore any concept art they show us. We aren't going to get a proper looking shield cobra commander. Snowjob will prolly be wearing desert camo.
Re: Firefly?

Man given that concept artwork which was perfect this is even more disappointing. Some of the quality issues (like the velcro and sculpted on balaclava) would be forgivable if the figure looked like the concept art (and didn't cost $125).