SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

It's not that, they coulde leave him as he is, and simply add a regular Cammo BDU jacket, as well as keeping the hoodie, and that would appease MOST of us. it's just very very very far from the design that Firefly has allways had. it's about as bad as if they suddenly decided to DO ANH han solo in shorts and sandals instead of long pants and boots, just becuase the movie was set on a desert planet.

Painting the balaclava Cammo would be nice, but that alone is not a dealbreaker.

the hoodie makes him look like the unibomber.

Adda urban cammo bdu shirt to the figure, and call it a day, most people will stop griping.

Re: Firefly?

That would be extremely cowardice to do that. They need to recognize positive feedback and stick to the game plan when it was working. Who takes a brilliant preview item and messes with it until its no longer recognizable as the item that got people fired up?

Exactly, the blame is all on SS for this one.

They finally let some info out and then blam, release soemthing that looks nothing like what they let out. What was the point then???
Re: Firefly?

I understand the b_tching but to me he looks good enough to warrant a purchase. Sure he's not as spot on but there is enough there to create a Firefly to your personal liking. He looks like a cross between a PMC and a Russian guy from Call of Duty 4. I dunno guys (I know I am in the minority here) but I really dig it. Now I need to pick up a BR Joker rifle? Would that work NAM? :dunno
Re: Firefly?

I guess this is the last time they let out development art.

So it needs camo on the balaclava, another bandolier and a regular BDU shirt instead of a hooded jacket - right?

Just from a cool looking figure perspective - only the 2nd bandolier would make it more interesting. Losing the jacket would be mistake I think, and it looks like he's got a grey turtleneck on underneath.

But I respect that it's not what was expected. Perhaps they're trying to cater to both the diehards and casual fans like me and getting caught in the middle. The concept art would have looked too much like a toy from the '80s for the casual fan, I guess.

Just curious Dave, do you collect the Joe line?
Re: Firefly?

I dont understand the logic in all this. It isnt April 1st. Why get is us excited and then kick us in the balls?

This is one of those occasions where Im buying the figure just to part it out, keep what Id like to replace on my bash, and sell the rest. Very disappointing. :monkey2
Re: Firefly?

i guess maybe they are releasing the wrong version first so that in a year or two after poor decisions bring the line to the brink of failure they can try to ressurect it with the right figure? is that the strategy with Indy line too?
Re: Firefly?

I understand the b_tching but to me he looks good enough to warrant a purchase. Sure he's not as spot on but there is enough there to create a Firefly to your personal liking. He looks like a cross between a PMC and a Russian guy from Call of Duty 4. I dunno guys (I know I am in the minority here) but I really dig it. Now I need to pick up a BR Joker rifle? Would that work NAM? :dunno

I know this was directed to NAM, but yes that would work, since they decided to give us a different one.
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Re: Firefly?

I guess this is the last time they let out development art.

So it needs camo on the balaclava, another bandolier and a regular BDU shirt instead of a hooded jacket - right?

Just from a cool looking figure perspective - only the 2nd bandolier would make it more interesting. Losing the jacket would be mistake I think, and it looks like he's got a grey turtleneck on underneath.

But I respect that it's not what was expected. Perhaps they're trying to cater to both the diehards and casual fans like me and getting caught in the middle. The concept art would have looked too much like a toy from the '80s for the casual fan, I guess.

missed this the first time i read it dave. Yes, that would make him more acceptable to most people.

Don't get me wrong. I love the character, and Plan to get him on monday. it just irritates me how much custom work is going to be needed to make him Look like Firefly.
Re: Firefly?

if Sideshow continues down this path, your gonna see an early exit on this line.Who wants to pay 124.99 for a figure that looks barely anything like the RAH version of firefly.Just give the license to someone else or just forget the whole thing altogether...cant wait to see how they'll mess up Zartan and Destro
Re: Firefly?

I understand the b_tching but to me he looks good enough to warrant a purchase. Sure he's not as spot on but there is enough there to create a Firefly to your personal liking. He looks like a cross between a PMC and a Russian guy from Call of Duty 4. I dunno guys (I know I am in the minority here) but I really dig it. Now I need to pick up a BR Joker rifle? Would that work NAM? :dunno

sure but at $125 we shouldn't have to add so much. I am not a loose collector, so it won't work for me, I am stuck with whatever they release.
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Re: Firefly?

Just put the line on pause/hold and annouce the release of the new Call of Duty line...
Re: Firefly?

The face sculpt is so great. He isn't that far off, but wow yeah.. what difference from the concept art. Why even have concept art if you aren't going to use it at all.
Re: Firefly?

So true. They really messed up on this one. It's too late to change it now, right? I might as well buy the weapons and other gear loose. I've seen bashes that captured FireFly better than this supposedly offical product.
Re: Firefly?

The camo mask is not going to fix this. A few more people will settled for it perhaps but this figure doesn't really fit in this line appearance-wise. Too far from the original.
Re: Firefly?

The face sculpt is so great. He isn't that far off, but wow yeah.. what difference from the concept art. Why even have concept art if you aren't going to use it at all.

Huh? He is way off. Just cause the figure has camo jacket and a balaclava and call it Firefly, does not make it Firefly.
Re: Firefly?

The camo mask is not going to fix this. A few more people will settled for it perhaps but this figure doesn't really fit in this line appearance-wise. Too far from the original.

Ya, I dont think the camo mask would help either especially if its thats green, it might actually make it look worse :monkey4
Re: Firefly?

are you guys putting the negative feedback on SSC's site because it is incredibly tame compared to the feedback posted here?
Re: Firefly?

are you guys putting the negative feedback on SSC's site because it is incredibly tame compared to the feedback posted here?

Don't those comments have to be approved though? I seriously doubt they'll allow me to link the concept art, but I'll give it a shot.
Re: Firefly?

Huh? He is way off. Just cause the figure has camo jacket and a balaclava and call it Firefly, does not make it Firefly.

Ug. I don't know my first reaction was pretty negative. But having looked over all the pics in detail a few changes could make enough of a difference for me. Like I said previously in the thread I am not looking for a 12" remake of the original Firefly. But there really isn't enough there right now for me to even call this Firefly. Soo torn.