SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

The whole thing just looks wrong. Most of the figures they have produced have been fairly close to the 80's counterpart. StormShadow was almost dead on to the 80's figure. Firefly looks rediculous in that outfit. The Sculpt itself is great just the wrong color. Also his gear is really nice. SS needs to stick with making the Joes as close as possible to the 3/4 toy line. Its not hard to do.
Re: Firefly?

I think he looks pretty good, but they need to change the camo colours to the original black and grey. This green isnt working he looks like a COD figure as someone eluded to earlier.
Re: Firefly?

I've liked most of Sideshow's updates so far, but I'll admit, the more I look at this guy, the more disapointing it is we didn't get a figure of the concept art. That would have been awesome! A few changes to modernize these guys is just fine. Snake Eyes and the Cobra Troopers for example. I do like the Bradstreet Cobra Commander, but I really, really would love a classic CC too. So hopefully we can get one with the shield mask and an exclusive hood head with the smaller Cobra logo on the forehead.
Re: Firefly?

If you look at the close-ups of the equipement, most of its a rehash of other figures. The knife is Snake's along with pistol and grenades and most of the rigging. The head is not much differnt then Storms. The clothes are new but they are some of the big gripes from people.
Re: Firefly?

I am seriously considering saving my money unless SSC hears us out. The heavy re-use of Snake-Eyes gear, the funky, stupid hooded overcoat and the repainted trooper head all scream to me that either SSC are giving up on this line or someone else in their development team slapped this together without looking at the previous concept art. I was SO excited when I saw the headline in my e-mail, and now I'm just angry and disappointed. 'Foul' isn't the word for how badly this pooch got screwed.
Re: Firefly?

The Sniper Trooper and even CCC felt more like GI Joe than this guy. I just don't see Firefly anywhere in there at all. Too generic, imo, and aside from the bombs the weapons loadout sucks.
Re: Firefly?


Re: Firefly?

I feel sad inside.

It's a let down for sure especially since a lot of folks on here were looking forward to it.

And incase anyone thinks we're all a bunch of putzs:

Imagine for a second that SSC showed you the concept art for Lando Calrissian in his ESB Bespin attire complete with all his blissful Disco era attributes. Now imagine that when the product was revealed he was not wearing that costume at all but in the smugglers costume he wore at the end of the film.

Therein lies our pain.
Re: Firefly?

It's a let down for sure especially since a lot of folks on here were looking forward to it.

And incase anyone thinks we're all a bunch of putzs:

Imagine for a second that SSC showed you the concept art for Lando Calrissian in his ESB Bespin attire complete with all his blissful Disco era attributes. Now imagine that when the product was revealed he was not wearing that costume at all but in the smugglers costume he wore at the end of the film.

Therein lies our pain.

Well said.
Re: Firefly?

This has to be a dropped ball of epic scale.

How do you take such and AMAZING design and turn it into caca :(

I feel very sad inside.
Re: Firefly?

It's not Firefly...which is fine with me considering I'm gonna buy this and turn it into a generic futuristic sci-fi military figure...I love it.
Re: Firefly?

So torn. On one hand seems like a great figure. On the other, unlike Snake Eyes and Commander, this update goes too far imo. It just isn't Firefly. I am not super picky, I don't need these figures to be exact replicas of the originals. But if I am dropping this kind of money on them I want to at least be fair representations of the character. Not sure yet whether I will pick this up or not. It seems to be lacking the GI Joe flavor. Sadness love, love Firefly.
Re: Firefly?

I guess this is the last time they let out development art.

So it needs camo on the balaclava, another bandolier and a regular BDU shirt instead of a hooded jacket - right?

Just from a cool looking figure perspective - only the 2nd bandolier would make it more interesting. Losing the jacket would be mistake I think, and it looks like he's got a grey turtleneck on underneath.

But I respect that it's not what was expected. Perhaps they're trying to cater to both the diehards and casual fans like me and getting caught in the middle. The concept art would have looked too much like a toy from the '80s for the casual fan, I guess.
Re: Firefly?

woah polar Firefly!

Seriously though, very dissappointed in it. The concept was looking to be perfect. I like the sculpt of the head, of course wish it was camo, the acces looks cool, the outfit is just wrong though. Maybe there is something under the jacket??? I hope.

My favorite character and they miss the mark almost completely. If this was just some random Joe character I would be fine with it, but it isn't Firefly. I have liked 99% of what they have done with the Joe line, but this definitely drops the %. I even like the environments, and CCC, wasn't that bad, it was just an exclusive.

But, as I am a G.I. Joe whore, I will be getting the two I order for each character, but I won't like it! I was going to get a third to open, but that just isn't happening, yes I am a MIB collector.

Oh and Duke was $124.99 for the exc, so this isn't the most expensive one yet.
Re: Firefly?

Okay, for someone who knows nothing about the property - the figure looks much better i.e. cooler than the development art. Is the main bellyache that the mask isn't camo?

I guess this is the last time they let out development art.

So it needs camo on the balaclava, another bandolier and a regular BDU shirt instead of a hooded jacket - right?

Just from a cool looking figure perspective - only the 2nd bandolier would make it more interesting. Losing the jacket would be mistake I think, and it looks like he's got a grey turtleneck on underneath.

But I respect that it's not what was expected. Perhaps they're trying to cater to both the diehards and casual fans like me and getting caught in the middle. The concept art would have looked too much like a toy from the '80s for the casual fan, I guess.

It's not that, they coulde leave him as he is, and simply add a regular Cammo BDU jacket, as well as keeping the hoodie, and that would appease MOST of us. it's just very very very far from the design that Firefly has allways had. it's about as bad as if they suddenly decided to DO ANH han solo in shorts and sandals instead of long pants and boots, just becuase the movie was set on a desert planet.

Painting the balaclava Cammo would be nice, but that alone is not a dealbreaker.

the hoodie makes him look like the unibomber.

Adda urban cammo bdu shirt to the figure, and call it a day, most people will stop griping.
Re: Firefly?

Ya, its the colour scheme that bothers me the most also.

Cant belive Im thinking about not getting this...140$ shipped is steep for something you dont like 100%.
Re: Firefly?

I guess this is the last time they let out development art.

That would be extremely cowardice to do that. They need to recognize positive feedback and stick to the game plan when it was working. Who takes a brilliant preview item and messes with it until its no longer recognizable as the item that got people fired up?
Re: Firefly?

Painting the balaclava Cammo would be nice, but that alone is not a dealbreaker...the hoodie makes him look like the unibomber...Adda urban cammo bdu shirt to the figure, and call it a day, most people will stop griping.

I disagree with you...while I know some people don't like it, I don't mind the hood or the missing bandolier, but leaving the camo off his balaclava is the main problem in my opinion. In all honesty, the head without the camo looks TOO much like the Rise of Cobra Hasbro toy and that is NOT good.
