SSC Firefly

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The camo colors are what really made Firefly distinct among all the other Cobras. Changing that very aspect is stripping away his identity. Nobody's debating the fact that he's a kickass figure, he's just not Firefly. It's the equivalent of a pink Vader, a Red Hulk or a red Batman.

:lecture Fixed.
I'm taking a 100% wait and see approach to this figure. I reserve any and all judgment until I have it in hand. And that's judgment as regards whether it's a good figure, and as regards whether or not it's Firefly.

I can't tell from here. I like it as much as I don't.
It's probably gonna look very nice in-hand. The Sideshow Joe figures all have so far.

truth. it's always surprising to me to read people's problems with the line on other boards.

i'll leave my exclusive stock but i have a couple of orders for regular edition fireflys as well. can't wait to customize one.
Part of being a good figure is being who the figure is. The question that it all hinges on is whether it is Firefly (or at the least can be changed as easily as Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander, and any of the other figures that no one left the way they got them). I don't think that's answerable yet. The odds don't look so hot, but odds are worth about as much as opinions.
"This figure is not (insert name of character Sideshow intends the figure to be, here)" has got to be just about my favorite complaint on these forums.

I'd like to see a full update on this specs and pics for this guy, isn't he meant to be released in the next quarter? Do you guys think he will get the upgraded pro body for instance?
I'd like to see a full update on this specs and pics for this guy, isn't he meant to be released in the next quarter? Do you guys think he will get the upgraded pro body for instance?

He will be on the 1.1 Pro. Duke is 1.2 and the ones before him are 1.0.