SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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Wellp....there goes the neighborhood of under $200.

Yup, it's just an excuse to jack up the price for yet another ____ing gimmick. Most people keep the boxes and the unused parts are better protected there. Hate to see what those who come with animals will now cost with this crap.
Yup, it's just an excuse to jack up the price for yet another ____ing gimmick. Most people keep the boxes and the unused parts are better protected there. Hate to see what those who come with animals will now cost with this crap.

As if Sideshow or any other 1:6 company needs a reason to jack the price up. The Baroness having everything new will guaranty a high cost.

I keep the boxes but they're stacked away so I can't easily get to them when I need to find a part to switch around, so most of mine are kept in individual labeled plastic bags in a single box, easy to find something.

I guess you stand haters have another part you can keep in your boxes, or you could just sell off the stand and recoup the excess cost.
I don't mind the storage part....I dont like that my Baroness will be standing higher above than my other Joes :cuckoo:

the storage stand will not match the rest of stands...stupid idea Sideshow
As if Sideshow or any other 1:6 company needs a reason to jack the price up. The Baroness having everything new will guaranty a high cost.

I keep the boxes but they're stacked away so I can't easily get to them when I need to find a part to switch around, so most of mine are kept in individual labeled plastic bags in a single box, easy to find something.

I guess you stand haters have another part you can keep in your boxes, or you could just sell off the stand and recoup the excess cost.

Living in earchquake country, I use the stands. Don't think for a second Sideshow won't use the stand as an excuse to mark up the price. Boba proves this. And I guess us guys who like consistency in our displays are nuts too, right? It's bad enough with the improvements (which I can appreciate) and the weathering (which I cannot) that the older Joes are looking more dated with every release. Now we have to worry about tracking down older Cobra stands for consistency. :monkey1
Before she gets released I hope that baroness will have slimmer ankle and boot armour should be more contored to feet to avoid this cankle look the prototype has. Does any one know if hair is hard plastic or more like a rubbery substance. If the flat hair was rubbery it could help with head movement. Im still worried about limitation of posing with this molded hair.
Is there any chance Sideshow will remake Cobra Commander? I really regret not getting Firefly and I know you can still find CC for a good price but was hoping for the helmeted version, I never liked the hood as much
Living in earchquake country, I use the stands. Don't think for a second Sideshow won't use the stand as an excuse to mark up the price. Boba proves this. And I guess us guys who like consistency in our displays are nuts too, right? It's bad enough with the improvements (which I can appreciate) and the weathering (which I cannot) that the older Joes are looking more dated with every release. Now we have to worry about tracking down older Cobra stands for consistency. :monkey1

I don't know why Sideshow needs to fix things that are NOT broken.

Changing the box? now changing the stands? what for?

Improvements should be on just the figures itself
Is there any chance Sideshow will remake Cobra Commander? I really regret not getting Firefly and I know you can still find CC for a good price but was hoping for the helmeted version, I never liked the hood as much

He's coming.....don't know when...maybe by the 4 per year pace
the storage stand will not match the rest of stands...stupid idea Sideshow
Don't think for a second Sideshow won't use the stand as an excuse to mark up the price. Boba proves this.
THIS annoys me more than anything. There will be a mark up for no fauking good reason.

And if Sideshow pulls that shat not including a regular stand I'll be even more annoyed.

I don't know why Sideshow needs to fix things that are NOT broken.

To charge us more.
Living in earchquake country, I use the stands. Don't think for a second Sideshow won't use the stand as an excuse to mark up the price. Boba proves this. And I guess us guys who like consistency in our displays are nuts too, right? It's bad enough with the improvements (which I can appreciate) and the weathering (which I cannot) that the older Joes are looking more dated with every release. Now we have to worry about tracking down older Cobra stands for consistency. :monkey1

Having grown up in earthquake country, I wouldn't think the crotch grabber stands would be any help. Have you switched all of yours to waist grabbers?
I don't think anyone is nuts for taking issue with the stands, though the only issue that was mentioned was the price and gimmick. Yeah a break in consistency would be a real issue I hadn't thought of. Time to stock up on the old ones or switch them all to the new ones.
I do think the higher stands will help when figures stack two or more deep on the shelf and get lost, a new higher stand would allow the back rows to stand out.
No argument from me on the weathering issue. Although SSC has done a great job weathering them just enough, I'd prefer them clean myself.
I won't be using the stand for the extra accessories. But I am glad that Sideshow is doing this as I have to deal with superspy microfilm a lot and these drawers will be the perfect place to hide them.
Having grown up in earthquake country, I wouldn't think the crotch grabber stands would be any help. Have you switched all of yours to waist grabbers?

Initially. It's almost time to swap some more. :lol

I don't think anyone is nuts for taking issue with the stands, though the only issue that was mentioned was the price and gimmick. Yeah a break in consistency would be a real issue I hadn't thought of. Time to stock up on the old ones or switch them all to the new ones.
I do think the higher stands will help when figures stack two or more deep on the shelf and get lost, a new higher stand would allow the back rows to stand out.
No argument from me on the weathering issue. Although SSC has done a great job weathering them just enough, I'd prefer them clean myself.

But that's just it. It's all part of the gimmick. People buy into the gimmick ...cough... you ...cough... :nana: without even taking a step back to think about what this means for the figures that came before. This line will be "Boba'd" into a price hike with this stand to bring standard figures up to the $199 mark with others. It's already happened with the Clone Commanders. Watch. :monkey1
Initially. It's almost time to swap some more. :lol

But that's just it. It's all part of the gimmick. People buy into the gimmick ...cough... you ...cough... :nana: without even taking a step back to think about what this means for the figures that came before. This line will be "Boba'd" into a price hike with this stand to bring standard figures up to the $199 mark with others. It's already happened with the Clone Commanders. Watch. :monkey1

A rationale and valid conclusion.
I think baroness is gonna be near 200.00 no matter what. All new body and accessories, plus it's friggin baroness. It will sellout very fast regardless.
I think baroness is gonna be near 200.00 no matter what. All new body and accessories, plus it's friggin baroness. It will sellout very fast regardless.

The new body argument is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. That's already justified by the price hike from $45 figures to $120 figures and the fact that the body will pay for itself over the course of multiple Joe, Star Wars and DC releases.