SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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I could have a Destro without Baroness more easily than a Baroness without Destro. Same with Flint/Lady Jaye. To me, Baroness and Lady Jaye are companion pieces to these other, more important characters. Sort of like my being OK with only a Han Solo, but not OK with only a Chewbacca. Neither Duke nor Snake Eyes are as closely tied to Scarlett in my mind as Destro and Baroness are. They are related of course, but not companion pieces.

Baroness was CC's companion before Destro!!! Why won't you listen!??? Aaaarrgghhhh! :panic:
Sure, she was in the comics for the handful of issues before Destro showed up, but how many people think that Baroness is a Cobra Commander "companion piece?"

Either or. Before SSC dicked me on my Baroness PF, I was going to get an alt so one as well to pose with CC and the other to pose with Destro if/when he comes along (which btw will look just like an 80s Destro figure) because she should go with CC as his classic 2nd or with Destro as his lady.
Didn't you see the movie?:monkey3

Personally speaking . . .

I attempted to watch the first one, but cannot watch it all the way through.

I did watch the second one and found it interesting and superior to what I managed to watch in the first one.

In retrospect . . . the GI JOE live action films are an abomination depending on who you ask, but many of us will go ape$h*% over the 1:6 figures and not necessarily care for the films.

As for THE BARONESS . . I believe COBRA COMMANDER was tapping her @$$ before she hooked up with DESTRO dependent on the canon, but I digress.
I'll get Destro when Sideshow releases one, until then Baroness is gonna rock the shelf alone :rock

Not getting Bludd? She and he did some plotting back in the early issues, like trying to use Billy to assassinate Cobra Commander....

So, that could be a good pairing.
Baroness was CC's companion before Destro!!! Why won't you listen!??? Aaaarrgghhhh! :panic:

I have to agree, Baroness and Cobra Commander were the two founding cobra characters, followed by Doctor Venom and Scar Face. Destro doesnt come into the story until issue 11 in RAH.
wiki. Destro first appears in the Marvel Comics series G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #11, although his face is not seen. He is Cobra Commander's hired "specialist", sent to stop the G.I. Joe team from ruining their operation on the Alaskan Pipeline. Although Destro manages to stay two steps ahead of the Joes, his confrontation with Doc results in the Joes getting the antidote for a plague they'd been infected with, and turning the tables on Cobra.[11] Wiki.
Next he is seen in 15 or 16 and only then do we see Major Bludd for the first time
In the comics, wasn't Bludd responsible for getting her the surgery which made her hot? Always thought she tossed him real fast after that.

Okay, here's a debate for ya:

It's currently accepted that Baroness' name is Anastasia DeCobray.

But, when asked in issue 22, Bludd paused before uttering the name to Dr. Hundtkinder.


So: is that a made-up name to keep her anonymous, or did he forget for a moment what her last name was, or did he know and wonder if he should give it before finally indeed saying it? Did Bludd EVER know her last name?

I prefer to think that her last name ISN'T DeCobray. That's just waaaaaaay too coincidental for me. I'd think if anything, she threw off her highborn status during her radical college years and created a new identity for herself (and that isn't DeCobray either). I like to think she's the European equivalent of a Hilton, a Bush, a Kennedy, or a Vanderbilt, and quite an embarrassment to her family.