Premium Format SSC Harley Quinn

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Nice pics everyone! Glad mostly everyone's Harley came out perfect. My HQ EX has the bad stitching on her back too, which is minor IMO. Seems a few others have them as well. Good thing it's on her back though, can't even see it lol.

Congrats to everyone who is satisfied with their purchase! :hi5:
I was particularly impressed with the packaging and how they made sure to protect every part of it.
If you strip her down can you post some pics. I'd be interested to see if they took any shorcuts knowing the fabric would hide them.

So what you're saying is you want to know if the nipples are painted on ;)
This is.....

An excellent choice sir!
I called my CS guy, and he talked me off the ledge. He went and grabbed their display model, and was feeling her butt up and saying that what I was feeling on mine was the same thing his model had. I still have my doubts, especially since so many people here have said that they have no such flaw, but my guy was totally open minded and didn't give me the kind of responses that I was receiving through email messages from CS that just made me feel like they were stabbing back at me.

My Harley is very good, and this error doesn't get in my way of enjoying her. Let's hope my next pre-orders only get better in quality =)
Huh. I found a vertical ridge to the rear of her right hip. I'll check again on the left side, but I'm pretty sure it was smooth from her waist, all the way down her thigh.
Finally received Harley Quinn EX today! Been a few months since I received a statue from SS. The EX head came out better than I expected. But I do prefer the reg portrait more. Here are some pics....

Enjoy the pics!!!
Pam's box was epic. :lecture



Amazing pics all round guys.

Makes me jealous that I can't display mine yet...but what a wonderful day it will be when I can finally release them all from their Sideshow shipper prisons :) lol
