SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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No one was buying beforehand. You could find the V1 ex. for retail or sub-retail over the last 2-3 years. I think I paid $75 for the regular edition 3 or 4 years ago, and that was the going rate at the time. Just a figure no one cared for due to the decision to go with Devil's Due instead of the vintage look. I think the old hooded head sculpt is pretty damn good, though--much better than the new one here--and is the other salvageable piece from V1 apart from the gun. And the V1 gloves and boots are nice to use with other bashed figures, so overall the V1 is still a good figure to own IMO. I think that classic gun is essential. Much moreso than the extremely obscure ex. gun here.

Yeah, between this, Baroness, and StormShadow... theres plenty of awesome to ease the ******** I've had over Destro. :lol

Throw in a SB bucket, a couple slaughter heads, a JUMP. yay 2K14.

Sorry but for someone who doesn't follow Joe's what was wrong with Destro?
No one was buying beforehand. You could find the V1 ex. for retail or sub-retail over the last 2-3 years. I think I paid $75 for the regular edition 3 or 4 years ago, and that was the going rate at the time. Just a figure no one cared for due to the decision to go with Devil's Due instead of the vintage look. I think the old hooded head sculpt is pretty damn good, though--much better than the new one here--and is the other salvageable piece from V1 apart from the gun. And the V1 gloves and boots are nice to use with other bashed figures, so overall the V1 is still a good figure to own IMO. I think that classic gun is essential. Much moreso than the extremely obscure ex. gun here.

The V1 is just horrible. It's an old figure and they have come a long way but also because it's not the classic look. The new hood is much nicer IMO but agree about the gun, wish it was included. Good luck to those selling theirs. I'm sure there are completists that would need it.
Sorry but for someone who doesn't follow Joe's what was wrong with Destro?

He's TOO MUCH of a Deviation from the Original character design for ALOT of people.

Much like the original Cobra Commander figure.

He's still pretty good, but most are hoping that he gets a reissue down the line with a more traditional look.
Sorry but for someone who doesn't follow Joe's what was wrong with Destro?

Its like flipping cable channels and coming across a old scene with shannon tweed in the shower. You stop to check her out and some dude gets in the shower and then the camera zooms in on his @$$.

Sideshow Destro is that @$$.
Its definitely a shame this one doesn't come with the classic laser pistol. Especially when every Joe since Duke has included an XMLR for your parts bin.
you could, but you'd get seriously shunned for it.

The regular edition came with the pistol, and soon people will be dropping that version like mad.
I like v1, just more excited about v2. Will probably use one with troopers and one with Destro and Baroness.
Figured I would be! Really love his work is all.

I'm pretty sure he just meant theres alot of OG CC love. I definitely don't think you're in the minority for being a Bradstreet fan, I personally love his style, but (isn't there always one) my 80s love overrides. :lol

At any rate if we couldn't have a straight up 80s version, Bradstreets is better than what some randoms may have come up with.

Bradstreet Punisher also rocks :yess: