SSC Helmeted Cobra Commander

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I don't get this Bradstreet guy; did he just draw a couple of covers for the comic books and that's it?
He's famous for Punisher. He draws a pretty hardcore Punisher. But his involvement with Joe is limited to the short-lived Reloaded series by DDP for which he did a couple covers.
He's famous for Punisher. He draws a pretty hardcore Punisher. But his involvement with Joe is limited to the short-lived Reloaded series by DDP for which he did a couple covers.

His art is great; don't get me wrong but I honestly thought he had a longer run with GI Joe hence the fan base. Ah well.
Did he even design those looks, or is it just that he is known for producing the most iconic drawings of them? I haven't followed any of the post-Marvel GI Joe stuff, so I don't know much about it.
I don't think he designed them, no. That CC just happened to play to his strengths. Hasbro came out with a SE almost identical to the Bradstreet cover shortly after those comics were in print so I imagine he was just given source art to pull from and then did his thing.
Bradstreet typically uses photos of models and props to produce his artwork. So the GI Joe stuff he has done is most likely of his own design.
In terms of the original's price, edition sizes have also come down a bit since then. CC was 3000/1250 while Zartan was 2500/750. So about a 25% drop in production from 2009 to 2012 for the big bad guys. Bludd in 2013 was 2500/1000, so they bumped up his exclusive production, but the exclusive still hasn't sold out. So there aren't even 1,000 people who want the exclusive Bludd, which tells you there may not enough collectors out there to buy up all the unwanted pieces of the original CC, even before the 2nd version was announced.
Ships on Friday. Looking forward to in-hand pictures. Wish i could have seen it before mine ships but i have faith he'll turn out great :pray:
I saw Bradstreet do a commission I person it was a very interesting technique to create his style, haven't seen it used up until then
Can someone post the link to get on the waitlist for the EX version? I cannot find it anywhere on the site