I don't know why. What makes you think every figure is priced according to the same formula?
I don't know, maybe the consistency in price across Sideshow's 1/6 line even for figures from wildly different properties? In 2014 the ballpark seemed to be $150, in 2015 $200, and now moving into 2016 $250. Seems pretty arbitrary to me.
I said licensing was the exclusive factor? Or just the case in comparing Snake Plisskin's cost to Wolverine's?
Yes, the entire thrust of your argument was that licensing costs are like some unfathomable cosmic mystery and therefore we should just accept company's pricing structures based on the nebulous assumption that it all falls down to said cost of licensing, with reassurances from another poster claiming some intangible degree of authority on the subject.
Unless you're actually petty enough to go back and edit your posts so that no longer seems to be the case, of course.
Well, aren't you diligent. I'm sure the nuns will give you an extra cookie at lunch for that.
My insults weren't submitted as a case against anyone's argument. They were just insults, and well earned at that.
I'm sure any passing mods or admins will be thrilled to see the amount of contempt you apparently hold them in, and that you feel it's perfectly acceptable to attack other forum members with impunity like a playground bully.
Also, you have yet to grasp the comment about being raped by higher prices. If anything, the histrionics over higher prices denigrates genuine violations, and therein lies the pettiness of all this clucking. People act as though some great injustice were being done, going so far as to cry price gouging as if it were some kind of crime. But maybe you're not in the position to comprehend because you're expecting an asskissing. I don't know.
And you act as if you're empowered as some moral arbiter tasked to quell all protest. Many people have, quite reasonably, stated that they feel the product is overpriced in relation to previous Sideshow purchases and expectations of quality relevant thereto. I'm 'expecting an asskissing?' No, if I see a product I like I'll buy it, I have no expectation from the company supplying it other than it arriving in good condition and not having any glaring QC errors. My problem here, now, is your repellent attitude to anyone who dares to disagree with you and your seeming utter contempt for the other users of this forum.
I also have to seriously wonder what's going on in that head of yours if people voicing their opinion of the pricing of a toy is somehow equivalent to crying 'rape'.
Christ on a stick, you're a bore.
I'll happily take bore over 'specious internet tough guy'.
It makes me not a consumer who thinks their role invokes some kind of exalted status. My apologies for speaking imprecisely. In the future I'll tailor my posts to be bore-proof.
I'm sure you will.