SSC The Joker 1/6th Scale figure

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Harley's hyenas ? Those belong to the joker. :D I hate the fact that DC comics keeps taking things away from the joker and giving them to other characters, like the cane (they gave it to Riddler), the big hammer/mallet (they gave it to harley) and the joker's white skin (harley also has natural/real white skin in the new 52)...what's next? His laugh...oh right, too late, forgot about that one too... :lol

You aren't up to date are you?

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There's things I like about the New52 Joker but not alot about Harley apart from her dose of split personality.
yeah ~ that about sums it up. he's fine. she's just...stupid. i was really hoping the batgirl wedding was going somewhere interesting ~ like bringing harley to her senses, but that just fizzled. i think the death of the family storyline is not going to live up to the hype when it concludes next month.

totally willing to be proved wrong, though.

At 210 seeing how the quality of the figures sideshow has put out in recent history has be SUB PAR. I think that price would be a huge deal breaker for most collectors. If we knew we were getting an awesome quality product then I could see that price. My hopes are low with this series as sideshows prototype pics look ok.....that means the finish product could be garbage. :thud: again I could be wrong and they hit it OUT OF THE PARK, but not too many company's put out pics of there figures and EXCEED the consumers expectations. :horror
Yeah, I'm not, but then again, these are comic book figures, so they don't have to look like real people.
I did noticed the "doll dot" on the eyes, not a big deal, but i'm sure it is a "big deal" for some people :lol
Maybe that's part of the "comic book look"....:D

I'm pretty sure the "doll dot" was a design decision for the comic look b/c none of their recent Joes and Star Wars figures have that

Then why don't the other characters in this line have them?
You'd think they'd have learned by now that no one likes the dot. It's like they're addicted to putting it in just piss people off.
You aren't up to date are you?

Spoiler Spoiler: What I mean by "natural/real" , is that she doesn't wear makeup like the old Harley. Now she has real white skin like the joker. That was his thing!! It was unique. Not anymore....she's just a female joker. I guess it was inevitable, they always do female versions of the male characters, which is LAME, imo.
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joker and harley in the new 52 is just a mess. they need to fix them.

What!?! I can u d'état and Harely in new 52 but Joker?! The death of the Family Series is sooooo good right now. Joker feels even more twisted than before. If it wasnt for that, I'd be spending less money at the comic shop and just sticking with reading The Dark Knight and Legends of the Dark Knight for my batman comic fix
What!?! I can u d'état and Harely in new 52 but Joker?! The death of the Family Series is sooooo good right now. Joker feels even more twisted than before. If it wasnt for that, I'd be spending less money at the comic shop and just sticking with reading The Dark Knight and Legends of the Dark Knight for my batman comic fix

them, i said: fix them. he's fine (maybe better than fine). she's just dumb and suicide squad is a stupid comic.

i wish someone would get in there and fix her and make her fit into this new 52 in a way that makes sense. she's a pointless character without mistah j, but i've yet to see anybody put them together outside of the cartoon that actually works.

I love Death of the Family, but I'm not a big fan of the Joker's face....

batman and robin 15 was pretty hilarious, though, with the face whipping around on his head the way it did. i dunno. i laughed.
^^ Oh yeah! That was really good. I just don't know how long he can keep the face like that.
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them, i said: fix them. he's fine (maybe better than fine). she's just dumb and suicide squad is a stupid comic.

i wish someone would get in there and fix her and make her fit into this new 52 in a way that makes sense. she's a pointless character without mistah j, but i've yet to see anybody put them together outside of the cartoon that actually works.

batman and robin 15 was pretty hilarious, though, with the face whipping around on his head the way it did. i dunno. i laughed.

Most of the panels in Batman and Robin, with the Joker's eyes completely dark, are just amazingly creepy. It just completely cuts of any human connection to the Joker. As much as I love how Capullo draws Joker, with the skin rotting more and more each week, Gleason has it down.

Suicide Squad can be decent but it depends on what you're looking for. Take it for what it is and you'll like it better. It has potential but the thing that bothered me most about it was Waller's redesign. The Wall just isn't the same. :(
shot i nthe dark.

no LESS than 149.99 ( though i'd like to be wrong)

no MORE than 175.99

I don't know about $ 149 :( In this photo is says $180 + Shipping and Handling...I guess, that's like 190 + :horror

^^ Oh yeah! That was really good. I just don't know how long he can keep the face like that.
Spoiler Spoiler:

Most of the panels in Batman and Robin, with the Joker's eyes completely dark, are just amazingly creepy. It just completely cuts of any human connection to the Joker. As much as I love how Capullo draws Joker, with the skin rotting more and more each week, Gleason has it down.

yeah, it's getting quite disgusting. i love it. someone needs to do it up in 1/6.

Suicide Squad can be decent but it depends on what you're looking for. Take it for what it is and you'll like it better. It has potential but the thing that bothered me most about it was Waller's redesign. The Wall just isn't the same. :(

the design is appalling, yeah. and as for the team itself, well i guess teams aren't my thing to begin with ~ and i hate all the characters; so it probably never had a chance with me anyway. i only read it the last couple of issues because of the crossover. beh.