SSC TPM Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Padawan

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Why? hot toys would just charge us way more. Not to mention ht's has made a whole 1 sw figure,
they clearly don't care about sw as much as suckerpunch, tron, barney ross, etc. :dunno

Typical newb whinge. :lol

Going by HT's obvious lust for money from all things IRONMAN, AVENGERS and BATMAN, not to mention vapid pieces of crap like SUCKER PUNCH (there's 2 hrs of my life I will never get back) and the EXPENDABLES II...his 3 points are valid. Your reply does not address any one of them.

More typical newb whinge. :)

Nor did that one.
Going by HT's obvious lust for money from all things IRONMAN, AVENGERS and BATMAN...his 3 points are valid. Your reply does not address any one of them.

Nor did that one.

I don't feel the need to seriously address hyperbolic whinging. Obviously IM, Bats, etc... are HT's biggest money-makers. But you havbe been around long enough to know (or should know) that HT would like nothing more than to freak out on Star Wars. If they could make a 1:6 X-wing they would. There are restrictions on what they can/can't do that loom large in what we will see. As it is, they are treating the license with kid gloves; making each release an event.

But that is all besides the point. I was only laughing at how vitrolic and how seriously ColectorGuy was seeming to take himself. I find it funny when people post like they can not be happy until company X produces product Y. I still laugh at it. hahaha - Joker style. :D
I don't feel the need to seriously address hyperbolic whinging.

Yet you seem so capable of no small amount of 'hyperbolic whinging' yourself....seeing as that term is in itself an object lesson in the art form. Or - seeing as you could have just as easily ignored the comments, as they were so beneath you - do you prefer the term reactionary garbage?

Hey, if the shoe fits...

And I know that I have certainly been around long enough to see a lesson in 'side-skipping at least two valid points' when I see one*.

* Assuming that we take as a given your thoughts on HT's restrictions with Star Wars figures.
Still never mind eh? Just got in from SSC...

FOR Padawan Obi-Wan - 1:6 - SIDESHOW EXCLUSIVE

Payment Due Date: Monday, March 25, 2013
Order #: TB******
Item #: *********
Item name: Padawan Obi-Wan - 1:6 - SIDESHOW EXCLUSIVE
Quantity: 1
Unit Price: US $149.99
$0.00 Ship cost: US $25.00
Final Payment: US $74.99

Obi should be here by very early next month. :hi5:
Ah, I must have hurt your feelings at one tiome or another and you are holding a grudge. I am flattered. :fart:
Come on guys, cut the BS.

Oh Okay. :(

Not digging the deadpan sculpt, but the other is pretty spot on!

I really like them both. My only concern is that the belt is all one sculpt. I would be pretty disappointed by the Hasbro-like thinking involved in that. But on the plus side it would probably be less fragile and thus easier to futz with the rest of the costume.
Come on guys, cut the BS.

OK, but BOO to spoily sporty! :pfft:

I really like them both. My only concern is that the belt is all one sculpt. I would be pretty disappointed by the Hasbro-like thinking involved in that. But on the plus side it would probably be less fragile and thus easier to futz with the rest of the costume.

Well, my only SW figure so far is the Medicom v2 Darth Maul, so this one will be a perfect companion piece for him. On that basis, I think that I shall be seriously well pleased regardless.
Oh Okay. :(

I really like them both. My only concern is that the belt is all one sculpt. I would be pretty disappointed by the Hasbro-like thinking involved in that. But on the plus side it would probably be less fragile and thus easier to futz with the rest of the costume.

Yeah, the plastic belt is a little weird, and cheap. I think EVILFACE mentioned it, but I'm interested to see the hands. They look like new sculpts. I might pick up a robe to use on old Ben.
The belt is cheap. The episode 2 obi's belt is so nice. I'll be swapping for that.

I think that and a body swap are my 2 main mods on this guy, going off the latest pictures. I want his robes a little scruffy and maybe some slight upper chest showing (so ghey :lol) I want to avoid seeing all the neck joints.
Looking forward to seeing what this guy looks like inhand. Are those updated production pics normally pretty accurate?
It's pretty unusual. In the past, we were impressed by the prototype, disappointed by production pics and finally satisfied when in hand.
Crossing fingers that new course of events will not have us all disappointed when Obi-Wan hits our mailboxes :lol
Well i'm just hoping the light-up saber is good.
From the pics it looks like u swap it out like a normal hand but how does it work? U think it's like the ht's IM arm?
Well i'm just hoping the light-up saber is good.
From the pics it looks like u swap it out like a normal hand but how does it work? U think it's like the ht's IM arm?


Swappable forearm and hand. The forearm will have something to do with it.