Count me in...
Stick me down for one! Think it's an excellent idea.
If I can't have a tribute to the man on the internet , I will have it in my home.
then make a video of it and put it back on the internet fight the system
I am interested, like last time.
I do hope it will be a few weeks/months before we are expected to pay though lol I have so many things going on now.
I'll go and assassinate them for you.
He would be in round 2 starting in January sometime.
If you need me to pre-pay to get the ball rollin' let me know...
we need to get at least ten to start ( I was hoping more than this would sign up , we had alot more last time if I recall correctly ) .
Once we have ten guys I think we can send the payments to Chris.
This is my first time leading a project thread with Chris though so I'm not 100% how everything works. Either way , once we get ten people I will send Chris a private message letting him know and we will go from there.
I had expressed interest in the Stan Winston head a while back. My big concern was if he could be sculpted with his trademark eyeglasses on, or as a separate accessory. It's not a bid deal now if it can't be sculpted with eyeglasses on if I can find some separate 1:6 scale ones. I'd like to have a custom Stan Winston, especially if Chris Howes sculpts it!
So please add me to your list for the unpainted head of Stan Winston.
Your on the list. One more to go. Someone brought up a site that sold glasses on this very thread. I think they were like $25.00 but apparently worked great.
Maybe we could get a group order from them if its not possible to sculpt them with the head.
About your head being unpainted too. So far , everyones is unpainted.
I'm not sure if Kuato would be up to painting these.
Since I wouldn't be the one sculpting and the list isn't at ten yet I figured I wasn't the one to ask him.
Anyway , one more person and we can get this started , maybe even more will join. I'm gonna post this up on other forums today if I get the time.
id definately prefer a painted one. my painting skills are non-existent