I'm leaning toward the separate eyeglasses, too... If sculpted glasses could be made to look as good, then I'd be okay with that idea, I suppose. Whatever works best.
I'm leaning toward the separate eyeglasses, too... If sculpted glasses could be made to look as good, then I'd be okay with that idea, I suppose. Whatever works best.
Sounds good to me, if you believe you can pull it off. Instead of cast lenses, though, do you think it would be possible to scribe a narrow bezel around the insides of each lens frame (on the side that won't show) so that clear lenses could be cut out of acetate film, for example, and glued into the frames from behind? I'm thinking like the way that clear windows are often fitted inside plastic model kits.
That might be an easier way for people to add lenses themselves if they want, and hopefully save time and added expense. Just a thought.
How many to make this a go? I'll get 2 if need be...
How many to make this a go? I'll get 2 if need be...
Well then count me in for 2 and lets get this thing going...