Star Ace Harry Potter - Lord Voldemort

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Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

Maybe I am looking into this too much, but the banner in the back have the characters. Notice the first five Harry, Ron, Hermione, Black, Voldemort are being made. So maybe the next ones in line would be Dumbledore, Quidditch Harry/Malfoy/Ron then Professor Mcgonagoll?

OOOO! Its even Richard Harris Dumbledore :rock The one true Dumbledore :yess:

Voldemort looks great. The head might need some tweaking, but its hard to say by the pics. I love the idea of the at rest and attacking head, especially for a character with few accessory options other than the two small wands. A deluxe set or an accessory set of some sort with Nagini would be a great addition. Perhaps with some other Horcruxes? And as someone else mentioned, he ought to have a green wand effect rather than blue.
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

I hope they make him uber tall. And I wonder how they're gonna pull off his uber long beard? Rooted hair? Sculpted?

And I hope they made Voldemorts robe dirtied and a little damaged like it was in the movies.
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

I hope they make him uber tall. And I wonder how they're gonna pull off his uber long beard? Rooted hair? Sculpted?

While I'd prefer the realism of real hair, I think because of the wiriness and coarseness of his beard, it'd have to be sculpted. I've seen a real hair beard on inFlames' Guan Yu figure, it works there because the beard is just long, straight hair, I don't think that style would work with Dumbledore.

In any case, I'm only a casual HP fan, but I might pick this up if a Goblet of Fire Harry is available as well. I really liked that film, seemed like the turning point in that franchise. . . which I guess it was seeing as how that was when Voldemort really came back. I think Goblet was to Harry Potter as Empire was to Star Wars.
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

While I'd prefer the realism of real hair, I think because of the wiriness and coarseness of his beard, it'd have to be sculpted. I've seen a real hair beard on inFlames' Guan Yu figure, it works there because the beard is just long, straight hair, I don't think that style would work with Dumbledore.

In any case, I'm only a casual HP fan, but I might pick this up if a Goblet of Fire Harry is available as well. I really liked that film, seemed like the turning point in that franchise. . . which I guess it was seeing as how that was when Voldemort really came back. I think Goblet was to Harry Potter as Empire was to Star Wars.
Though if it was sculpted, then we'll have real trouble turning his head. Although sure, you can say that Dumbledore is better in a static fatherly pose looking straight or slightly to the sides, but the possibility of posing him however we want is the appeal of sixth scales. Was his beard tucked under his belt in the movies? I forgot.

And yeah, I agree that TGoF is the turning point. It was awesome when we saw Lord Voldie for the first time in his full form. I'll probably find a toy snake to be Nagini if it's nlt included.

Though they could definitely make it an exclusive if they wanted.
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

While I'd prefer the realism of real hair, I think because of the wiriness and coarseness of his beard, it'd have to be sculpted. I've seen a real hair beard on inFlames' Guan Yu figure, it works there because the beard is just long, straight hair, I don't think that style would work with Dumbledore.

In any case, I'm only a casual HP fan, but I might pick this up if a Goblet of Fire Harry is available as well. I really liked that film, seemed like the turning point in that franchise. . . which I guess it was seeing as how that was when Voldemort really came back. I think Goblet was to Harry Potter as Empire was to Star Wars.

Can you post pics or links to the InFlames figure?
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

Hmmmph, well I'll just have to do the heavy lifting



Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

303 - Sculpted
inFlames - Rooted

I can honestly see them using rooted hair. Though the hairs would have to be very fine and creased properly.


Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

303 - Sculpted
inFlames - Rooted

I can honestly see them using rooted hair. Though the hairs would have to be very fine and creased properly.


Thanks - it looks like Dumbledore could be done the same way as that beard.
Re: Star Ace Harry Potter - Voldemort

I need to watch these Harry Potter movies one of these days. Great looking figure.
They're good. All of them. They're ones I prefer over others, but for the most part they're all enjoyable. My wife is a big Potter fan and some times we have Potter marathons. I think this line is kicking all kinds of butt but I just cant get into another line.

On another note, the paint is great on these figures. I hope that survives production.
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