Super Freak
Cannot wait for Hermione
Cannot wait for Hermione
Just got my Ron in today. Quite blown away by the quality. The HS is Hot Toys quality. The clothing looks great, not too bulky. The accessories are great! Can't wait for Harry, and the rest of the gang! Star Ace is swinging for the fences and getting great results thus far.
p.s. just got my processing notice for V. Hilts for the 19th March
Difficult decision whether to buy or not...
Pass. The Ron in Hogwarts attire is enough for me. Bring on some new characters. Hermione?
Coming soon: Harry Potter - The Pyjamas edition
I must say that I am a little bit concerned about their seeming love for rereleasing figures with new clothing sets so soon... Doesn't make a lot of business sense to me. Better to release these 2-3 years down the track when new collectors are struggling to find HP1 Harry and Ron figures affordably.