I think this is why I tend to forego some accuracy for as long as the overall figure looks good to my own eyes. No one can even say "go custom" when it comes to the clothing b/c the custom artists have all been some form of different from each other when it comes to their take on TDK Joker's outfit as well. And as we know, no amount of notes seem to get them to change their initial proto most of the time therefore it just becomes another artist's interpretation of the suit rather than trying to get it to match a prop or screen look. They seem to get it "close enough" to what they're trying to achieve just as the official companies do. The one real difference (at least in the past) is the quality of materials used is typically better on the custom clothing compared to the official as well as the tailoring itself. But, as far as accuracy goes, none have been perfect. Some closer than others, but it appears there's always something off.