Sorry to keep hijacking this thread to talk about TNG, but it's the only semi-living Trek thread...
Anyway, I finished the series last night, and there's a sudden emptiness in my life... [emoji38]
Man, what a great series! I will really miss it after bingeing away for the last few months.
My favorite seasons are four and five, the writing was top level in those two seasons IMHO. Not that the others didn't have amazing episodes, but 4 and 5 were consistently good to great. And of course, Ro Laren joined the crew in the fifth season...

effing brilliant character!
A couple of quick random thoughts.
Picard is an amazing character. So much depth to him. Actually, all of them, but of course, he stands out with all his shortcomings and deep principles. His upholding of the Prime Directive could be as cruel and heartless as his devotion to his crew and friends was unwavering and heartfelt. Oh, and Nanjin should have insisted on a special sculpt for "pulling down the jacket" hands for Picard and Riker.
Speaking of Riker, he was immensely enjoyable to watch. Was a bit disappointed to learn that he and Troi ended up married in the movies... Worf was so much more interesting as a choice. It was funny though how almost every important suggestion or reco of Worf's in his tactical post was rebuked or ignored! The man never got it right! [emoji38]
Q is one of the best antagonists I've seen in any series. So much fun to watch him get on Picard's nerves.
One thing I found odd was how Picard and Starfleet never expressed any doubts about completely wiping out the Borg. I mean, they were talking about genocide... And granted, the Borg left little alternative, but for such a thoughtful show to not touch upon any misgivings about wiping out an entire species did seem odd.
Another thing that is slightly curious is how there never is any second thought about the dangers of AI. I suppose it wasn't really a preoccupation back then, but there should at least be misgivings about how easy it was to get into Data's programming, but they never really explored that. One of the last episodes deals with the Enterprise almost becoming sentient, but there never is a feeling of the danger around such a vessel (basically a weapon of mass destruction) not taking orders any more... Still, it was an enjoyable episode.
That brings me to another thought: the series always speaks of "life" and "lifeforms", but not of consciousness or sentience. Again, probably a product of the times.
Another random thought: I was slightly disappointed when Crusher came back in season three, as her replacement was brilliant, but Crusher did grow on me later on. And, is it me, or did was Troi like a fine wine that got better with age? At first I thought she was annoying and not especially good looking, but towards seasons 6 and 7 I thought she was a hottie!
Speaking of hotties, I was surprised at the amount of camel toe and nipple that were shown in the first couple of seasons... I doubt that would be acceptable nowadays. Crusher and Troi's aerobics and Tasha's sister come to mind...
Also, it was very refreshing to see how the show portrayed relationships, it was always very mature and open-minded.
Anyway, I just wanted to share some thoughts after finishing the series.
It will be fun to see the movies now. I don't think I ever watched any of the TNG movies in its entirety.