After watching this, I had to rewatch TOS Balance of Terror. Some lovely callbacks:
1. Pike starts this new timeline the way the TOS episode started (during the wedding).
2. The lighting here on the captain's face where there is extra lighting reflected over the character's eyes matches that of TOS.
3. The station under attack broadcasts almost the exact same thing in TOS and SNW. I think it was word for word.
4. Spock's explanation of why attacking is the best course is also word for word to the TOS episode.
5. It is remarkable how the difference in Pike's approach and Kirk's approach ended with the same result (gaining the Romulan Commander's respect and admiration). However, Kirk was able to avert the war.
6. I'm not quite convinced of the actor they picked to play Jim Kirk here. He looks too young/lanky.
Side note, how they were all whispering in the TOS while they were hiding from each other's sensors was goofy.