For a SW is very hard to play for an extended period of time.
1) Feeling like I am playing a F2P game for free VS people that paid...even though I paid 60 bucks.
Feels like constantly and only dying from other with blue and purple cards all around and new/better guns.
2) Since I feel is not the easiest to rack up battle points quickly. Thus I have yet to play a game to even have the battle points to get a hero. Most of the time I only have enough for a wookie. Imagine the "kids" playing that want to play as hero. Guess if you want to be sure to play a hero...go to the 4 on 4 only mode.
3) Other than using other starships and I swear there is like barely any / no anti-air.
3.5) getting blasted as soon as I spawn is fun :/
4) Love how I was playing Arcade only to be hit with a credit per X amount of time timer.
Wasnt having fun in MP at the I guess they wanted me playing/grinding in SP pointless...
5...5 ****ing arcade modes until you have to wait 3 hours.
So now I "have" to play SP then MP, then hopefully back to I can not "waste" credits...that I "need"...just ****ing charge 80 for the game and open everything... :/
And here I am with almost 80 hours in Assassin's Greed cause I want to collect everything. Imagine a 3 hour wait between every 5 things.
Amazing how this game makes me not like SW as much. At times, more of a chore to play than fun.
Other than graphics / sound ... old Battlefronts were better.