So, just two short years after I set out to see the man at the Main Event of CV...
This is what I have from the Super Secret Star Wars Panel, which was in fact, of course, a preview of the upcoming show Detours. Word was spreading on Friday evening, late into the evening, that George was going to be at the Clone Wars panel. So Rick and I were just hoping the man would show up in our panel, since it was a fairly high profile one and on the main stage. Huge props again to Rick for getting us prime line position, and letting me cut, yet again. Just click the image to view, I guess, as I just can't figure out how to embed a video. And for those of you brave enough to watch my video, I apologize for the shaky camera. It was George ****ing Lucas!
Funny, I just happened to be filming already (for the first time in this panel) because it was the animated George footage...