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The latest Clone Wars Adventures comic reminds us they've "flown now" since the prequel era!!
Lol I can?t believe ST apologist think this is a coherent story with ******* lines like that
Guys, at the risk of stating the obvious, the flying capability of a Clone Army two generations prior has no bearing on what First Order stormtroopers were doing during the ST era. Unless you're saying the FO is still a clone army. But since Finn was in the FO and he doesn't look anything like Commander Cody, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there.
I'm not saying that was great dialogue (or even necessary), but it's not some big continuity error...
I want this to be true. This is my new Khev and Jye Star Wars canon.
Yep I have always had personal canon with what i like in movies and all media. Stuff I don't care for I ignore. Star Wars is a big universe and they can keep doing more stories and some will be great and some mediocre. For me Terminator has T1 and T2. Indy has Raiders and temple of doom and Crusade for his dad, Predator has the first 3 that I watch. I like the first 3 alien movies. Some of the others have moments but not canon to me.
Maybe I would have 15-20 years ago but I've come to terms with the fact that the PT never got remade in response to all my moaning and I don't see why things would or should be different now with the ST - if that's what they're talking about, again I didn't watch the actual videos.
And even though I'd likely agree with many of the points of criticism of the ST that these youtube guys make I got tired of them all pretty quickly with their new bashing videos on the hour every hour and all of them posting the same compulsory reactions to every new tidbit of an interview with Hamill or comment from Kathleen Kennedy. Even Critical Drinker, a cut above the rest IMO, feels the need to reference The Last Jedi in almost every video to this day. Move along, move along.
Guys, at the risk of stating the obvious, the flying capability of a Clone Army two generations prior has no bearing on what First Order stormtroopers were doing during the ST era. Unless you're saying the FO is still a clone army. But since Finn was in the FO and he doesn't look anything like Commander Cody, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt there.
I'm not saying that was great dialogue (or even necessary), but it's not some big continuity error...
They live in a world with jet packs and space ships. This shouldn?t be a big shock to see them fly. Plus storm troopers had jet packs
If they had them *two generations prior* why wouldn't they have them in the FO? Okay, maybe they were phased out for some reason, but as ironwez sez the tech should have been ubiquitous by then.
But it's just another example of directors disregarding anything outside the films. Even when the EU was canon Lucas considered it a parallel universe.
Wow, way to jump to conclusions based on a throwaway line.I never for a second thought Poe was surprised by the existence of jet pack technology - he was simply commenting on having to deal with stormtroopers using them against him for the first time. The only other ground combat in the ST prior to that was near Maz's temple in TFA, and no one was flying about in that battle unless they were piloting a fighter. The opening scene where Poe was captured by Kylo Ren had a distinct lack of jet packs as well. The TLJ battle on Crait was 100% AT-M6 Walkers, so no jet packs there either. Poe was also a fighter pilot rather than a foot soldier, so he would have been less likely to encounter a stormtrooper with a jet pack.
Wow, way to jump to conclusions based on a throwaway line.I never for a second thought Poe was surprised by the existence of jet pack technology - he was simply commenting on having to deal with stormtroopers using them against him for the first time. The only other ground combat in the ST prior to that was near Maz's temple in TFA, and no one was flying about in that battle unless they were piloting a fighter. The opening scene where Poe was captured by Kylo Ren had a distinct lack of jet packs as well. The TLJ battle on Crait was 100% AT-M6 Walkers, so no jet packs there either. Poe was also a fighter pilot rather than a foot soldier, so he would have been less likely to encounter a stormtrooper with a jet pack.
Wow, way to jump to conclusions based on a throwaway line.I never for a second thought Poe was surprised by the existence of jet pack technology - he was simply commenting on having to deal with stormtroopers using them against him for the first time.
That was our point. It's not the mere existence of jetpacks but why stormtroopers *wouldn't* be using them when clone troopers had in the past.
Finn's reaction is more of a concern, since he actually *was* a stormtrooper.
But it doesn't bug me - it just proves LFL's claim that the comics are as canon as the movies is bogus. Or that directors have their own ideas.
Your point is taken, but considering the little we know about his First Order service involved (a) working sanitation at Starkiller Base and (b) defecting after participating in his first mission on Jakku, it's not unreasonable to think he may not have been up to speed on (or even aware of) all of the their equipment. Phasma probably had him following the FO equivalent of the training wheels protocol.![]()
The COMICS????
Wow, way to jump to conclusions based on a throwaway line.I never for a second thought Poe was surprised by the existence of jet pack technology - he was simply commenting on having to deal with stormtroopers using them against him for the first time. The only other ground combat in the ST prior to that was near Maz's temple in TFA, and no one was flying about in that battle unless they were piloting a fighter. The opening scene where Poe was captured by Kylo Ren had a distinct lack of jet packs as well. The TLJ battle on Crait was 100% AT-M6 Walkers, so no jet packs there either. Poe was also a fighter pilot rather than a foot soldier, so he would have been less likely to encounter a stormtrooper with a jet pack.
The COMICS????
Nah. Finn should know that they can fly. Its a stupid line cause its shown that they don't know the lore of star wars. It shouldn't be that unbelivable to see them fly.
Seeing as how Disney itself wants you to read the comics to get backstory on the ST cause they suck at story telling, it's not a bad example.
Yes, the comics are canon... but they're also disregarded by SW directors and most fans, so what are ya gonna do?