Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
waifus swoon at crows
waifus swoon at crows
Are you just openly lying because you're assuming that I deleted those walls of text that you PM'd me from 2/14/17 to 2/20/17? All the same nonsense that you just posted above is literally sitting in my Inbox. The notion that I targeted you for for mod abuse because you "didn't agree with me" was bull**** then and it's bull**** now.
Holy crap man I told you back *then* to let it go and that's when you had only been throwing a fit about not receiving preferential treatment on account of your stupid Rep bar for only a *week!* And now here you are over *60 weeks* later whining and lying about the same damn thing? This is why it's so hard to take you seriously.
You're obsessed with those stupid green dots and you're obsessed with not looking like a fool or being embarrassed for being infracted and so you'll make up any old crap to save face for weeks, months, and now apparently years. You've got to be kidding. Whether you agree or not that you should have gotten some dumb infractions or had some posts deleted *over a year ago* let it go man. It's just so petty and small to be harboring this crap for so long.
You do know that Snoop and Adoptedscot have deleted some of my own posts right? Who the hell cares man. Life goes on.
The size of my rep bar is as long as my Frankfurter
Uh, according to my screen that makes it about an inch and a half long.![]()
If you want to drill down on the details then let's do that. And yes, I will pull the hefty leather bound volumes of your server-straining PM's from the shelf.
If I do something wrong, I'm more than willing to take an Infraction. Things can get out of hand from time to time and i can fall prey to that like anyone. But the truth of our situation is: you like to have your hands firmly on the wheel of certain threads (things that touch on your sacred cows, RO and TLJ, are the best examples SW-wise.) You steer it - where it goes, who goes with it - and, when you were a Mod; who gets off.
If you encounter resistance to your Narrative (I mean the kind that you can't easily mock or dismiss,) you relentlessly go on the offensive. And you will battle and bait and troll with the best of them when you are in Khev-Mode. It will escalate - and then you'd sense where it's gone, we'd get into the issue: of combatant and referee. And yes, it WAS an issue. You're not a Mod anymore, but you were then.
And "walls of text"? Khev, seriously - this is a classic example of you blissfully unaware of what you do... peruse your posts of just the last month alone - you are a human. wall. of. text. That's not a put-down at all (I enjoy reading some of them, and I've done some walls myself) - it's just a fact.
Look, in the interests of settling this, I tried to negotiate via Snoopy a "gentleman's agreement" where I wouldn't directly quote your posts and you would do the same for me, but it appeared you wouldn't accept that and continued to quote and engage with me, so I did the same. That offer is still open - PM me and this all goes away today.
And in regards to obsessions with "those stupid green dots" - notice you didn't respond regarding your non-sensical idea of people relying on two pieces of nearly decade-old feedback versus something with dozens of recent inputs called "reputation." Either Reputation is worthless or its worthwhile - but you've sidestepped committing one way or the other because either way I win some point in your head (if its worthwhile then I've been right all along, if it's not, then its useless and should be dumped - as I've said.)
Rotten Tomatoes means absolutely nothing. And I MEAN nothing.
It is not a gauge of how good a film is or how successful it is...
Look at these scores....if these crap ones were truly crappy then why did that bank so much?
And those great films according to RT? Why did they flop?
Go with you own opinions, they hold more weight than some open ended endless voting forum.
All the studios care about is ticket sales .....
Not a box office success![]()
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4 of those are very accurate audience scores
( justice league is off)
Apparently I’m not. It’s all on the last page lol
but everyone already moved on pablo
Go to bed.......
i am in bed
TLJ is one of the best examples of me steering a thread and deciding who gets kicked off? A thread about a movie that came out after I hung up my mod hat? And let's get a show of hands from everyone here who I kicked off the RO thread. That's what I thought.
See just the fact that you would even want to "drill down on details" of a temper tantrum that you had over a year ago is just so odd to me. I'm sorry it just is. You already proved that "always in motion" are your details by trying to pretend that that's not how long you've been complaining about it.
"PM you and your post will go away?" I don't care if it goes away. I just find it ridiculous.
Offer declined?![]()
Keep your hands on that steering wheel then.![]()
And enjoy the fantasy world that you continue to live in.
Maybe go buy yourself a Lamborghini with all those green bars you've saved up.![]()
There was 2 and there was 4 (the Revenge)...
Like Die Hard, there's really only the first movie.