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I seem to recall him saying how certain scenes worked so well and how you can tell she was a palpatine from the beginning. Idk who knows

A lot of people said that stuff.. I dont know if Khev did.. There were those that thought she was a Palps because of the way she thrust a saber.. Turned out that it worked out for the series.

I dont know.. I read this on another forum and don't disagree.. "[FONT=&quot] It's actually rather natural. Writing is a progressive process. Spur of the moment ideas sometimes just pop in there, often influenced by outside sources from just general life experiences, and get run with or perhaps the writer ends up liking them more than what they originally had. It happens, it's not some massive betrayal to fandom that not every beat for beat was planned out sequence for sequence from the starting date."


We know that Lucas had some of that making it up as we go with the OT. Difference is that Lucas was overseeing the whole thing so new ideas were not so jarring and he could keep it on the tracks.
Also before anyone comes in and starts crying I like to remind you guys we are having a friendly debate. No bashing or anything. Just different opinions being thrown back and forth! Lol cause some people get to uptight and think it?s to mean

Nah man.

Me to Khev, Jye, Jaws...



Nope. I'm right. I actually love both trilogies AND recognize the issues they have.

Well then I am right also... I like both trilogies and recognize the issues they have.

I should have said a-dev is the most consistent.. he states that he does not like poorly made movies and thus does not like the PT and ST

I dont like poorly made movies either but the PT and ST make me very inconstant :lol
For ST fans only...

Pretty much everything I liked or loved about the ST in one cool video.

That...might be the most EPIC SW montage I have EVER SEEN. :thud:

Ben Solo shrugging his shoulders like Han in response to Palpatine's "stand together, die together," BEYOND EPIC. :thud:

That just made the entire ST feel LOTR quality, lol.
I seem to recall him saying how certain scenes worked so well and how you can tell she was a palpatine from the beginning. Idk who knows

Someone else posted a video on YT shortly after TFA theorizing that Rey was a Palpatine based on how she fought and seemingly stalked Kylo Ren after he fell like an evil murderer in addition to a couple other things that really sync'd awesomely with the revelations in TROS. I think the consensus was that it was all a happy accident especially in light of Daisy's most recent comments but the end result on screen plays out beautifully nonetheless.
That...might be the most EPIC SW montage I have EVER SEEN. :thud:

Ben Solo shrugging his shoulders like Han in response to Palpatine's "stand together, die together," BEYOND EPIC. :thud:

That just made the entire ST feel LOTR quality, lol.

It really was a great montage... Made the ST have a truly EPIC feel.

Figured you would like it.
Dude I'm just going to repost this as a reminder to why TROS warts and all will always be an epic homerun for me:

I wear my team Khev-On-Trucking iron on t-shirt proudly. :yess:

They lose me with the second, madness I agree. But the first I have no problem with. Otherwise I'd have to love Terminator Dark Fate and accept it as canon.


I love you like a forum brother.

I tremendously love T1-T2.

But me seeing T1 and T2 on their opening weekends in a theater doesn?t even come close to me seeing SW in 77 as a 10 year old and ESB in 80 the experiences are not even in the same universe actually one was spiritual the other was cool.

So yeah I am very forgiving when it comes to those OT SW characters/actors to the point where I love Luke sucking on cow *****.

Much respect to you though lol

Not sure I agree with you Buffy.. I dont see a problem with what Turd wrote.

I don't care so much that the core three were in the films.. I am not sure I would have like the films any more or less with them in it.. I do however have issues with people who talk about the lack of quality of the films while propping up the PT..

Having said that, that is the same issue that the PT seem to have.. They just can't imagine someone enjoying this series while hating on the PT.

Peeps like a-dev are really the only ones who are right.... They hate both PT and ST :lol

:lol :lol :lol
I read what Khev wrote.. His point was that the ST was very much planned out.. BUT that they abandoned that plane.

Well to be clear as I've spelled out many times it is obvious that the ST was planned out shortly after TFA, but definitely not *before* TFA. It was never planned as well as say the LOTR which had a complete story before a single frame was shot, but it *was* more planned out than both the OT and PT. You have to be totally ignorant or willfully obtuse to say otherwise given the revelations of Trevorrow's 2016 script for Episode IX. But it does seem that both traits are required for current membership into the "Fandom Menace" these days, lol.
Someone else posted a video on YT shortly after TFA theorizing that Rey was a Palpatine based on how she fought and seemingly stalked Kylo Ren after he fell like an evil murderer in addition to a couple other things that really sync'd awesomely with the revelations in TROS. I think the consensus was that it was all a happy accident especially in light of Daisy's most recent comments but the end result on screen plays out beautifully nonetheless.

There was also the musical theory that was out there.. That Reys theme had Palps theme interwoven in it.

Again I would say its a happy accident..
I wear my team Khev-On-Trucking iron on t-shirt proudly. :yess:


Speaking of F13 Pt II did you see that the new box set will have the "lost" 40 year old unrated cut restored?

If you haven't already read it here's the crazy story of how they were able to acquire it as posted on Facebook:

"The upcoming FRIDAY THE 13 boxed set from Scream Factory will include the uncut footage from Part 2. How it was found after being lost for almost 40 years is a great story! As many fans of the series know, several minutes were trimmed because of a crackdown by the MPAA on slasher movies. A few stills have surfaced over the years that gave a hint to what was missing, but despite many efforts over the years to find the footage, it was believed to have been lost or destroyed.
While prepping to shoot an interview with Bill Randolph for Part 2, I decided to re-watch the CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIES documentary in order to avoid repeating stories that have already been discussed in depth for years. As expected, there was talk about the footage that was shot, but not included in the final cut due to ratings board. Greg Nicotero mentions that FX artist Carl Fullerton showed him the footage in question. I wondered if anyone had reached out to Fullerton to see if he may still have the scenes that the fans have been dying to see for years. Bill Randolph (who wanted to see his scene as much as anyone else did) and I reached out to Fullerton to see if he still had it. We left a few voicemails and hoped for the best. With less than two weeks before our deadline, I received a call from Carl saying he had a VHS tape with all the material that was trimmed. However, he couldn’t remember exactly what was on it, but was kind enough to loan it to us for inclusion on the set.
Because I was terrified that if it was shipped via postal mail, it might get lost in transit, so I made arrangements to get the tape in person through my co-producer and pal, Peter Bracke. I joked with Peter that I should have gotten him a suitcase with handcuffs and a bodyguard as this most likely was the only copy in existence. Peter met up with Carl, who handed him the old cassette with a typewritten date of April 24, 1981 -- about a month before the film opened in theaters! What could be on the tape?
Now came the fun part, seeing if the tape was still viewable after all of these years. It's possible because of its age, it could have been blank or no longer viewable. We wouldn’t ’t know until we got it transferred. Shout Factory's Cliff MacMillan made arrangements to get it transferred at a top-notch facility. However, there was an issue: the lab indicated that the tape was stuck together. If pulled apart, the magnetic information could be stripped, which would mean that we would lose everything. The only solution: baking the tape in an oven overnight to separate the reels. The VHS would have to be taken apart, the reels would have placed into an oven and baked overnight to in order to make it playable. After waiting almost 40 years for this footage, we would have to wait another couple of days to see if “Operation: Baking With Jason “ was successful. So after the careful dismantling and baking operation, the tape was then put back into the cartridge so it could be transferred to a digital format.
Now for the moment of truth -- what’s on the tape and is it watchable? Eureka! “It’s alive!” After hearing so much about this footage over the years, I was astonished when viewing the contents for the first time. It appears that Fullerton knew the film was going to be trimmed, so he asked the editor to assemble the trims, and make a copy so he would have a them for his portfolio. The first thing you notice is that nearly every death is considerably longer! There are also few scenes that I didn’t even realize that were that trimmed, ie, Adrienne King’s death.
Even more surprising was the quality. At nearly four decades old, the tape gave me cause to worry, but what I discovered was that the older vintage of the tape actually worked in everyone’s favor. The VHS cassettes used back in the day were of a much higher quality than the ones used a few years later. In fact, I was surprised at how good the image quality was, especially considering the source.
I must have watched the footage found ten times, as I was in utter disbelief that I was finally seeing this material that was considered forever lost. Viewing it confirmed that it was no longer lost, but found. I want to thank Carl Fullerton for going the extra mile to get us the tape; Bill Randolph for reaching out to Carl; my co-producer, Peter Bracke for transporting the holy grail; and to Shout Factory's Cliff MacMillan and Jeff Nelson for keeping the faith. Every Friday the 13th fan owes them a big round of applause and their eternal gratitude.
Edwin Samuelson
Samuelson Studios"
For ST fans only...

Pretty much everything I liked or loved about the ST in one cool video.

My jaw is on the floor I got goosebumps and tears watching that.

Hell even ironwez is going to appreciate that lol


Speaking of F13 Pt II did you see that the new box set will have the "lost" 40 year old unrated cut restored?

If you haven't already read it here's the crazy story of how they were able to acquire it as posted on Facebook:

Absolute insanity

That JUST MIGHT make II better than I AND IV crowning it the best F13th movie!

I am dying to see this cut.

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Speaking of F13 Pt II did you see that the new box set will have the "lost" 40 year old unrated cut restored?

If you haven't already read it here's the crazy story of how they were able to acquire it as posted on Facebook:

Are we sure its actually put back into the film..

Per shout studios

  • NEW 4K Scan Of The Original Camera Negative
  • NEW restored mono track
  • NEW Slashed Scenes – the long-awaited uncut gore footage!
  • NEW Audio Commentary with actress Amy Steel, filmmaker Thommy Hutson and author Peter M. Bracke
  • NEW Audio Commentary with actors Russell Todd, Kirsten Baker, Bill Randolph, Lauren Marie-Taylor, Stu Charno and author Peter M. Bracke
  • NEW My Life with Ginny – a conversation with actress Amy Steel, moderated by Justin Beahm
  • NEW Vintage Fangoria Magazine Article (BD-Rom)

It does not list it as F13 part 2 uncut and it just lists it as "slashed scenes" as a bonus...

Pretty sure I read somewhere that it would not be cut back into the movie itself.
Good point. I agree. I think that feeds into a greater point that I did not make which is that Star Wars for the most part is pretty much done.
Sure people go see the movies when they open because it?s the thing to do that weekend but then they are instantly forgotten and disposed of.
They no longer have any cultural impact which is why the merchandise warms the pegs and gathers cobwebs.
Out in the world I hear people talking about Joker, the MCU, even the one outside of the hardcore nerd/geek world really cares about Star Wars any more and Disney?s Shareholders have discovered this the hard way.
The MCU is to the 2010s - 20s what Star Wars was to the 1970s - 80s. Unfortunately for Lucasfilm we are no longer in the 1970s or 80s.

I?d say the MCU is done also, and the DCU.

They have pretty much the same staying power with the general public

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Interesting how one could continue to deny when the truth is right there in black and white.

This is not something taken out of context. There are more posts in this thread such as these. I only quoted what was pertinent to the discussion at hand, which is that the ST never had a plan, and Kennedy is completely incompetent.

And yet what you did above is the textbook definition. :lol

No it wasn't

Not sure I agree with you Buffy.. I dont see a problem with what Turd wrote.

I don't have a problem with what he wrote, I was just pointing out that he conveniently didn't write about the explanation Khev went on to make later in the same post. A sin of omission, if you will. :lol

Moving the goal posts now. The argument was that the ST had a plan or any semblance of the plan, not "playing out exactly as Disney planned."
Thank you. No idea why continue to deny deny deny. Nothing was taken out of context. We aren't moving goal posts.

I wasn't moving the goal posts, I stated that from my vantage point it seemed that you guys were implying that was what he said. Also, "any semblance of a plan"?? Hell, saying Rey will go on a hero's/heroine's journey (similar to Luke's) over the course of the 3 films is a SEMBLANCE of a plan, and no doubt that WAS decided on day 1. It's completely devoid of detail, but it's a plan. :lol

Yea I don?t get that dude either. If he wants proof then he should just scour the thread for khev?s 200 post about the subject.

Yeah, that's not happening. I'm just going by what was presented yesterday/today. The burden of proof is on the accusers. :lol

I read what Khev wrote.. His point was that the ST was very much planned out.. BUT that they abandoned that plan.

I just figure go by what is on screen... It is obvious that the final product was not planed out from start to finish with what ended up on screen.

They had a much bigger plan with TLJ and the part 9.. Enough that the directors were even talking to each other.

But Disney got cold feet after TLJ Blow back and thankfully, for me, went in the other direction... I dont think I would have liked the planned out version.

This is the same point I made, and it was the part of Khev's post (the one that TheDucky submitted as Exhibit A in the prosecution's case) that everyone else conveniently ignored.
The ST was never planned out just by the mere fact they never knew who Rey was going to be as confirmed by Daisy.