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I can?t imagine trying to pretend to be someone else and give up something I really love just for a chance at some random girl. Selling yourself out. They don?t accept what you like/love/hobbies/etc... they obviously don?t love you. Doing that **** is weak and disrespectful to yourself.

Well, you're right, if you're truly invested in comics and fantasy and you do the cosplay thing a lot, then I can understand why it would be impossible for you to give it all up.
Since cosplay was not nearly as accepted when I was a kid, it?s strange to me that people of the nerd kind cannot find other nerd kind to connect with.

Damn conventions are packed everywhere you go....well pre Covid.

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Since cosplay was not nearly as accepted when I was a kid, it?s strange to me that people of the nerd kind cannot find other nerd kind to connect with.

Damn conventions are packed everywhere you go....well pre Covid.

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I'm sure it's easier now. Back in my day there was no internet/social media. Maybe like ... 5 or 6 of us around the same age in a pretty large high school, and only one of them female. I loved music and art and leaned into that instead. I didn't engage in athletics until my early 20s and at any rate, chose martial arts over hockey so it's not like I was going to compete with the (many) jocks I was surrounded by at the age of 16.

Even now, from what I've seen -- and this is purely anecdotal -- young heteronormative male nerds have a harder time of it than females. They seem to be more poorly socialized and women tend to be less forgiving about that -- and rightly so.

The pernicious 'gatekeeper' mentality I've witnessed really doesn't help. Watching dudes condescend young women for being 'casuals' and 'not knowing the lore' when they should be thankful for their presence.

I think part of that mentality comes from a toxic sense of entitlement. Unless a young woman is there *for him* a dude won't give her the time of day. Creating a vicious cycle of poor socialization that keeps 'em angry outsiders instead of well-adjusted young men that a woman may want to be friends with, never mind anything else.

This is only what I've seen a lot of, admittedly I might have been unlucky and only seen the bad. At my age I've got to the point where I actually don't know what the kids are doing anymore. As it should be I guess.
I think there were just as many ******* guys back in the day as there are today. Problem is, girls liked 'em -- the bad boys.

Guys will get away with whatever they can, especially if handsome or wealthy, and that doesn't apply to just the young.
I think there were just as many ******* guys back in the day as there are today. Problem is, girls liked 'em -- the bad boys.

Guys will get away with whatever they can, especially if handsome or wealthy, and that doesn't apply to just the young.

Of course you're right -- but in this case I'm not talking about the classic dysfunctional pairing of Narcissistic ******* with Low Self Esteem Partner, but rather the weird situation where you have these non-mainstream weirdos (I'm not using that in the derogatory sense) actively being jerks to young women that show an interest in what they do.

I've never understood that.
Of course you're right -- but in this case I'm not talking about the classic dysfunctional pairing of Narcissistic ******* with Low Self Esteem Partner, but rather the weird situation where you have these non-mainstream weirdos (I'm not using that in the derogatory sense) actively being jerks to young women that show an interest in what they do.

I've never understood that.

They are mimicking the alpha male you are speaking of

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They are mimicking the alpha male you are speaking of

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I's just weird because unlike the *wannabe* alpha I referenced, the attitude comes from what ... a complete comic book collection? :slap

I know it's not quite what you meant, but being a jerk does not equal 'alpha'. Bad behaviour usually comes from fear, insecurity or some other dysfunctional place. It's not strength. The kindest people I know have no need to posture or grind others down. They're confident and know who they are.
I think the best description of how SW took over the world was the SW Disco mix.

Designed to ?Hip? people who were into the disco and ?being seen at 54? could get in on the hype while not compromising their coolness.

Also it allowed radio stations to cash in without playing the actual orchestral theme (which would be lame to the pop culture at the time).

It was a dark time.

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I think that record is still somewhere around the house... :yess:
Of course you're right -- but in this case I'm not talking about the classic dysfunctional pairing of Narcissistic ******* with Low Self Esteem Partner, but rather the weird situation where you have these non-mainstream weirdos (I'm not using that in the derogatory sense) actively being jerks to young women that show an interest in what they do.

I've never understood that.

Well when tech geeks became the nouveau riche, the attitude you speak of came right along with it... and a lot of untalented nerds got to play 'bad boy' for a while.
I's just weird because unlike the *wannabe* alpha I referenced, the attitude comes from what ... a complete comic book collection? :slap

I know it's not quite what you meant, but being a jerk does not equal 'alpha'. Bad behaviour usually comes from fear, insecurity or some other dysfunctional place. It's not strength. The kindest people I know have no need to posture or grind others down. They're confident and know who they are.

I think this implies that the original bad boy alpha somehow had a reason to behave that way also.

My impression was they were just as stupid and arrogant as the person proud of a comic book collection....

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I think this implies that the original bad boy alpha somehow had a reason to behave that way also.

My impression was they were just as stupid and arrogant as the person proud of a comic book collection....

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First, let's stop using the term 'alpha' to describe a dumb jerk. ;)

I think I was making a fine distinction but you're right, it implies an excuse where there is none.

A person of poor character may yet have strong attributes; business acumen, athletic prowess, professional and financial success. These attributes *do not* excuse bad behaviour, but they're nonetheless innate competence and ability which cannot be easily discounted, although they're easily overshadowed by a lack of character.

A person of poor character who has done little more than purchase and memorize serialized pulp fiction, is even worse IMO. Those aren't achievements, they're habits.

But they're both terrible examples of human beings regardless -- you are correct. They're just different flavours of bad ... different varietals if you will.

It's an interesting problem: some people are bad because they have power, others because they seemingly have none. But both of them are trying to exercise it over others.

Then there's a lot of nuance regarding what is and isn't earned, etc.

These are ancient human problems that are unlikely to go away.
First, let's stop using the term 'alpha' to describe a dumb jerk. ;)

I think I was making a fine distinction but you're right, it implies an excuse where there is none.

A person of poor character may yet have strong attributes; business acumen, athletic prowess, professional and financial success. These attributes *do not* excuse bad behaviour, but they're nonetheless innate competence and ability which cannot be easily discounted, although they're easily overshadowed by a lack of character.

A person of poor character who has done little more than purchase and memorize serialized pulp fiction, is even worse IMO. Those aren't achievements, they're habits.

But they're both terrible examples of human beings regardless -- you are correct. They're just different flavours of bad ... different varietals if you will.

It's an interesting problem: some people are bad because they have power, others because they seemingly have none. But both of them are trying to exercise it over others.

Then there's a lot of nuance regarding what is and isn't earned, etc.

These are ancient human problems that are unlikely to go away.


Regardless of talent or god given ability, being an ass to your fellow humans, especially female, seems and actual weakness of character.....that overshadows and quality the person might have been gifted with, bought or learned.

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For ST fans only... ST haters may be triggered.. You have been warned. ;) :lol

Anyways this guy is interesting... I don't agree with everything he says but I think he offers some good theories and in some cases facts.

Rey as a Palpatine ruined my experience to the extent I only saw TROS the once (and rated it the worst of the saga).

Now that I've come to terms with that plot point maybe I should check it out again to see if I enjoy it any more.

Rey as a Palpatine ruined my experience to the extent I only saw TROS the once (and rated it the worst of the saga).

Now that I've come to terms with that plot point maybe I should check it out again to see if I enjoy it any more.

The thing that ruined your experience is the one thing that saved the ST for me :lol
The thing that ruined your experience is the one thing that saved the ST for me [emoji38]

Why? There wasn't anything clever about it. Nothing but a cheap cop out to cover up the mess they had created.

After TLJ inside Lucasfilm....

"Oh **** our main character is a Mary Sue!!!"
"Oh **** we don't have a villain!"
"What are we supposed to do with no source material???"

Then the mailboy overhears their panic while passing through and says "why don't you just make her a Palpatine?" :slap