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Now remember I’m talking about verbal online bullying (aka criticism lol) i’m not talking about adults actually physically stalking another adult then yeah authorities need to get involved at that point lol
Lol o yea I know. That’s just psycho level crazy
ST wins by default just for having the OT actors.

Jye's criteria for liking the ST is as undemanding as mine for liking the PT (giving the OT a backstory, any backstory).

As for Rose, yes even the costume designers baulked at how dowdy RJ insisted on making her. It's like he was daring the audience to hate her. But there was no excuse for the thinly veiled racist attacks on the actor.


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Jye's criteria for liking the ST is as undemanding as mine for liking the PT (giving the OT a backstory, any backstory).

As for Rose, yes even the costume designers baulked at how dowdy RJ insisted on making her. It's like he was daring the audience to hate her. But there was no excuse for the thinly veiled racist attacks on the actor.

What racist attacks? People keep claiming this without evidence.
Can't believe someone would declare the lightsaber duel in TROS to be equal to Duel of the Fates.
If you could even call that a duel and not just swinging lightsabers like baseball bats lol. Atleast kylo twirled his a bit. The mustafar duel is iconic no matter how cg or over the top it may be.
If you could even call that a duel and not just swinging lightsabers like baseball bats lol. Atleast kylo twirled his a bit. The mustafar duel is iconic no matter how cg or over the top it may be.
Man the ST really needed Nic Gillard to choreograph those duels. Rey vs Kylo was just bland and boring. No skill involved, no finesse and these are supposed to be the 2 most powerful in the galaxy?
If you could even call that a duel and not just swinging lightsabers like baseball bats lol. Atleast kylo twirled his a bit. The mustafar duel is iconic no matter how cg or over the top it may be.
It’s not just about the swinging for me though.

The pay off for the whole reason of the battle also matters.

Yes of course the Maul fight is technically proficient and thrilling but lets look at the pay off shall we.

Maul dies
Maul returns to life
Filoni’s big revelation about Anakin’s fatherly loss is now cheapened.

Kylo lives (in an emotional scene with Leia and Han).
Kylo saves Rey

I prefer the latter.
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The PT fights, while beautiful, feel fake, and choreographed. There are only a few point where they do not feel like they are trying to hit points in a dance , rather than actually kill each other…..sad but true. Especially on repeated viewing.

The ST feels more like a real fight, with heavy sabers (the weight of the sabers is a constant issue so lets leave that aside) It feels more viseral and real….
It’s not just about the swinging for me though.

The pay off for the whole reason of the battle also matters.

Yes of course the Maul fight is technically proficient and thrilling but lets look at the pay off shall we.

Maul dies
Maul returns to life
Filoni’s big revelation about Anakin’s fatherly loss is now cheapened.

Kylo lives (in an emotional scene with Leia and Han).
Kylo saves Rey

I prefer the latter.
JYE when your online your avatar looks like it is eating a tiny penis
It’s not just about the swinging for me though.

The pay off for the whole reason of the battle also matters.

Yes of course the Maul fight is technically proficient and thrilling but lets look at the pay off shall we.

Maul dies
Maul returns to life
Filoni’s big revelation about Anakin’s fatherly loss is now cheapened.

Kylo lives (in an emotional scene with Leia and Han).
Kylo saves Rey

I prefer the latter.
Mmmm no not really. You don’t know that maul survived in the movie. Also the scene with kylo was far from emotional since we knew it was going to happen eventually
The PT fights, while beautiful, feel fake, and choreographed. There are only a few point where they do not feel like they are trying to hit points in a dance , rather than actually kill each other…..sad but true. Especially on repeated viewing.

The ST feels more like a real fight, with heavy sabers (the weight of the sabers is a constant issue so lets leave that aside) It feels more viseral and real….
Eh. Idk feels like they are kids playing stick fight
Jye's criteria for liking the ST is as undemanding as mine for liking the PT (giving the OT a backstory, any backstory).
My reasons for loving the ST are as follows:

1. Han, Luke, Leia, Chewie that looks like Chewie and puppet Yoda
2. OT-esque aesthetic thanks to using real film stock and so many locations, full size practical sets, and animatronic/practical creatures. (I give TPM props for this as well.)
3. The experience of watching Star Wars again not knowing how things will be resolved. This includes surprises like Rey being the main hero after the trailers suggested Finn and many of the TLJ twists that others hate like offing Snoke early or Rey and Kylo teaming up to fight the Praetorian Guards.
4. It followed through on promises of the OT and PT that George never resolved (cheating death, "unlimited power," luminous beings, twins facing Palpatine together, etc.)
5. Daisy and Adam being very fun to watch on screen
6. Super solid acting and well written dialogue (minus the occasional oddities like saving what we love and lighting the spark that lights the match and so forth. Ford and Hamill giving their best performances of the entire Saga.
7. Awesome moments in the lightsaber duels (Rey catching the saber on Starkiller Base and Snoke's throneroom, Kylo just working her over on the DSII until his mom distracted him.)
8. Elements being lifted from the Dark Empire comics like Projection Luke and clone Emperor
9. All the fun of the pre-hype (similar to PT pre-hype but even greater for me due to the continuing adventures of Han, Luke, and Leia)
10. And possibly the biggest of all getting to experience OT characters passing the torch to the next generation with my own children.

There are significant strikes against these films of course but none of them are dealbreakers or in any way take away from all that I listed above.
All I'm saying guys is that I hated the PT and it didn't seem to me like there were many fans at the time. It even seemed to me back then that the toys were pegwarming on shelves. Echo chambers, it turns out, have always existed. Confirmation bias has always been a thing. Clearly there were indeed fans of the PT and enough of them too such that the fanbase is huge now and has become the dominant voice, a voice certain - as I once was - that there is an objective truth and they are the keepers of it.

Anyway, the ST sucks too.
Yeah… It was near impossible to find fans of the PT back then. There were PT apologists like myself, then I hated them for a while and now I accept them for what they are.

I also agree about the lack of PT sales. Even though this was at a time when people would always buy two ( one to open and one to sell later) there were plenty of PT figures of every character. But I do remember there being way more toys for the PT then the ST. Of course, as I have said before, toys just aren’t what they use to be. Much like the ST film itself, there is just too much competition for the minds of kids today.

PT toy sales are more popular now with the high end pieces, being bought by the generation who grew up with the PT
This may one day apply to the ST aswell, you acknowledge that right? In fact the only way I see it not happening is if Disney indeed overwrites the ST and never again uses its characters and storyline.
The only reason it might not be as highly regarded as the PT is because there is more SW to choose from. Back when the PT came out there was the PT and that’s it… no SW TV shows and other non sky walker SW movies. If the ST was all we would get for the next 15 years people would probably warm up to it quicker. Now they don’t have to. Lots of other SW content out there.

plus all the other franchises. Back in the PT days there was SW and LOTR and that was about it.