How about ''wipe them out. All of them'' 

I'd still rather watch AOTC over A New Hope any day.I didn’t know you made a YouTube channel! Lol nah but that it stupid. Attack of the clones was the weakest of the three imo
Luke force choked him while in the womb.Gotta agree with this, and not only that, he doesn't even remotely look like he could be the son of Leia and Han.
I watched AOTC at the cinema, and then again this year, and I'll never watch it or Phantom Menace again.I'd still rather watch AOTC over A New Hope any day.
Clearly the jye is so biased as to not put the abomination, abortion, rest stop toliet tile scum, anal leakage, vomit inducing, heinous act of shame and blasphemous endeavor The Last Jedi at the top is an unconscionable crime against humanity and frankly the credibility of the members of this forum.My top 15 BIGGEST cinema disappointments in order of severity and depression…
1. TPM
6. Alien 3
7. Conan the Destroyer
8. Die Hard 2
9. Robocop 2
10. Superman 3
11. Indy 3
12. Predator 2
13. Batman Returns
14. Blade 3
15. TFA
Spiderman 3 is # 16 lolClearly the jye is so biased as to not put the abomination, abortion, rest stop toliet tile scum, anal leakage, vomit inducing, heinous act of shame and blasphemous endeavor The Last Jedi at the top is an unconscionable crime against humanity and frankly the credibility of the members of this forum.
Emo Parker and Venom alone should make it in there. Indy 3 is a head scratcher.Spiderman 3 is # 16 lol
Only if your name is a-dev lolEmo Parker and Venom alone should make it in there. Indy 3 is a head scratcher.
Alien 3 probably still reigns as my single biggest cinematic disappoint. I've come around to appreciate and even love it but man, imagine your rage at Han Solo dying in TFA...if he died during the opening credits, lol.My top 15 BIGGEST cinema disappointments in order of severity and depression…
1. TPM
6. Alien 3
7. Conan the Destroyer
8. Die Hard 2
9. Robocop 2
10. Superman 3
11. Indy 3
12. Predator 2
13. Batman Returns
14. Blade 3
15. TFA
I know you weren't born yet but opening night of T2 at the cinema we were all greeted by this freaking awesome teaser which made everyone believe for an entire year that we were going to get an insanely awesome movie about Ripley, Hicks, and Newt dealing with all hell breaking loose on Earth:Why was everyone so disappointed with alien 3? Cause of the first films? The trailers made it out yo be a bad movie
I know you weren't born yet but opening night of T2 at the cinema we were all greeted by this freaking awesome teaser which made everyone believe for an entire year that we were going to get an insanely awesome movie about Ripley, Hicks, and Newt dealing with all hell breaking loose on Earth:
When instead Hicks and Newt *die* during the opening credits and Ripley spends the rest of the film running around a prison planet with a bunch of nameless British bald guys. One of the biggest bait and switches of all time.
Same as you I was 20 when TPM came out. I still remember the cinema being packed full of people and the excitement you could almost feel it.I watched AOTC at the cinema, and then again this year, and I'll never watch it or Phantom Menace again.
Did you grow up with the PT? I was 20 when I went to the midnight premier of TPM and I've never been more disappointed with a cinema experience.