Ok.. The Last Jedi. Round 3.
What I loved.
Hamill as Luke. Just like the first time it is such a joy to see Hamill as Luke again. I never hated the direction they took his story and enjoy every moment he is on the screen. Having said that I can fully understand why Skywalker fans would have wanted a more traditional Luke Story.
The Death of Snoke and Rey looking up at Kylo immediately afterwards is still a great moment. I wish so much they did more with this. That one or the other turned. Would have been interesting to see Kylo go "good guy" or pretend to go good guy so he could infiltrate the resistance and show his true colors in the next film.. Something a little more epic then what we got after such an epic moment.
The Light Speed Suicide. Still very cool. A very beautiful site to see and ot just because Haldo died
The Hug and chemistry between Finn and Rey.. You feel that Hug when they finally see each other.. I really wish Rose was not a part of this Universe because Finn and Rey have genuine chemistry.
What I Liked
Kylo. He is still a bit too Emo for me to be an all time great villain but he is interesting.
Luke and R2 moment. Not as emotional as the first time but still fun to see Luke become the Luke we know when he sees R2
Finn. Man just get rid of Rose and we might have my fav character of the ST
Rey. Since almost all her scenes are with Luke. I enjoyed her character much more.
What I did not hate as much as I thought I did but still don't like
I really don't like Rose. Not one bit. She is my least fav character in the Star Wars Universe.. BUT much of that has to do with the actress herself. I just don't care for who they cast in the part. That being said.. She is not in the film that much and I can ignore her. My rage o meter did not go off as much as it did with first viewings. I still think her speech after saving Finn is stupid.
Rey's Super Powers. It is explained why Kylo lost in the first film. He was torn after killing his dad allowing himself to be beat by a girl.. Sure its still BS but at least it is better then ignoring it.. I still think she is far too powerful but she rarely showed them off.. It is stupid that she can lift all the rocks with ease at the end of the film... Someone who thinks the force is for controlling people and moving things is just too darn strong with the force
but it still bothered me less then it did before.
This one will seem weird but Haldo.. But read the
What I hated more then I thought I did part

I still don't care for her and feel that she came across as a truly awful leader. Her condescending tone and the goofy girl talk with Leia "He's trouble. I like him" (Barf) drive me crazy but there is a reason I could stomach her a little more this time.
What I hated more then I thought I did
Poe... This goes with why I don't hate Haldo as much.. Its not Poe so much but how they wrote his character and every plot surrounding him. I know we did not get much of a chance to meet him in TFA but he did not strike me as someone who would just ignore an order from Leia like he did... If that is him then how does someone get into such a high ranking position as he does when he ignores his superiors so easily?
I liked Poe in TFA but he seems to be written to just be wrong most of the time in this film..
And why can't Leia call off the rest of the fighters in the beginning??
I know Jye likes the Red Guards but I think their outfits look cheap and silly.
DJ. I kind of liked him after the first viewing.. 2nd viewing I did not care for him... I really hate him now. I blame the stutter.
What I still Hate
Rose's speech at the end to fin is the worst.. The Worst.
Canto Bight - Is more PT then the PT
The action in the film... Nothing really excites me. I like the Falcon vs the Tie Fighters at the end but that is about it. I know some here love the beginning but that really does nothing for me.. It is my least fav space battle in the series. Yep that is including the Naboo fighters vs the Federation. But as I have stated before.. None of it really stand out as anything special to me. Canto Bight is awful and the Crait battle is just worthless overall. Since the ships the resistance has are worthless it just makes for boring action.. Thank goodness the Falcon showed up.
Poe figuring out why Luke is out there facing Kylo. To stall for time so they could escape so they could be the beacon of light... Luke should have just told them the plan because it just sounds stupid coming from Poe

The film is trying so hard to make him the leader at the end it comes across as corny.
The Dark Side Pit.. What a waste of 3 mins.. Feels like 10.
Hux. Again I think I could handle this character if someone else was in the role.. I just don't care for him in this part oat all.
There are other things I did not care for like the Opening scrawl ignoring the events of the first film.. But nothing that I hated.
So overall.. I would say that its not as bad as the haters feel but it is nowhere near as good as a certain three fans on here think it is
I am amazed at how fast 2 hours and 20 min go by.. Even for a film I am not in love or like with... But it fly's by.. I give most of that credit it the Luke part of the story as it is by far my fav part of the film.
SO My new Ranking system...
1. ANH - 5 out ot 5
2. ESB - 5 out of 5
3. RO - 4 out of 5
4. ROTJ - 3.5 out of 5
5. TPM - 2.5 out of 5
6. TLJ - 2.5 out of 5
7. ROTS - 2 out of 5
8. TFA - 1.5 out of 5
9. AOTC - 1 out of 5
SO there you have it.. It moved up three spots and a point and a half. Not bad.. I attribute that all to Mark Hamill. Nothing more and nothing less. He on his own is better then anything in ROTS, TFA, and AOTC.
Maybe I am just brainwashed.