Re: Star Wars: Episode IX - December 20, 2019
No. None of that. No different! Only different in your mind.
No. None of that. No different! Only different in your mind.
I feel a TOD rant coming on.
Never ever been a fan of TLC. I thought Ford was OK in it but his flirtations with the German chick are embarrassing (acting wise) and he is nowhere near as good as he is in the Original and TOD IMO
TLC is saved by Connery and the Tank chase. Other then that action scenes are average at best. The Motorbike chase is just a watered down version of the Mine car chase. The plane chase is KOTCS bad and the boat chase, like many boat chases, is a bore fest. Plus I hate that Indy runs around in some of those scene wearing a Tie with his traditional Indy garb..
End of my TLC rant![]()
TOD is one of the greatest rollercoaster rides of all time. "Horrible?" The obnoxiously over the top shlockiness only adds to its charm. Is it crap compared to Raiders? Well sure but what isn't.
Lol ok now I don’t think it was like that but the characters still suck.
This is what is known as propaganda. Remember that this a Star Wars film.The Last Jedi is a story about men learning to trust women’s ideas and decisions; and then becoming better people and better heroes because of it.
These are observations by supporters of the film.This film basically confronts some dudes with the notion, if not realization that yes, maybe their mother WAS right to send them to their room as a kid, that she does know better, not unlike Poe's two space moms. And there is nothing they hate having to hear more than that.
I agree Alden was better in Solo than Ford was in ROTJ. Solo is my favorite character in the SW movies, and in ESB in particular, so even back then it was a disappointment for him to end up as simply the comic relief, and a lame one at that.
And I also dislike Last Crusade, which I consider the worst of the 4. Yes, even ranks below Crystal Skull! I was 16 when it came out and back then it was a huge disappointment for me. I LOVED the Indy movies, even more than the SW movies, so anticipating LC was a big deal for me. But the whole movie just felt very watered down. Even the tank chase felt very contrived with little danger. I particularly hate the bag strap caught in the tank barrel thing which feels like an overly forced "trap" for him to get out of. Plus, talk about a useless action sequence: the burning catacombs and boat chase! Oh no, who is this new mysterious threat coming after Indy?!? Oh, never mind! They're actually good guys! Sorry we tried to burn you alive, Indy (but seriously, leave the grail alone)! And the effects and sets looked super cheap even back then. I used to really love TOD also, but it doesn't hold up as well as it used to. Raiders is still singularly, to borrow from M. Poppins, practically perfect in every way and is probably my all time favorite movie.
And back on topic: still love TLJ!
You are not very comfortable with your masculinity are you? You call Kylo a kitty? Because Holdo is a woman it's about anti masculinity? Have you kissed a girl? I am reading your personality as someone who really hates women. Probably because they reject you.
Follow the dating advice of a feminist and see what happens. Instant ******l dehumidification. Translstion just in case: Friend Zone.
The study found that women are likely to choose men with benevolent sexism attitudes over men without the same views.
Examples of BS include thinking of women as homemakers, or being gentle and nurturing.
Biology of attraction: Women have urges too
The age-old question, 'What do women want' could be rooted in biology, according to two new studies that show women prefer sexy, masculine men during ovulation, but dependable "husband material" the rest of the month.
Different cognitive processes underlie human mate choices and mate preferences
[The conclusion is that] women, who were generally much more discriminating than men, chose men whose overall desirability as a mate matched the women’s self-perceived physical attractiveness.
Research by more than 50 scientists studying more than 10,000 individuals inhabiting 33 countries, six continents, and five islands supports the hypothesis that women have evolved mate preferences for men who show cues of resource possession or resource acquisition potential. or_men_with_resources_A_reply_to_Smuts
Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study
It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men.